Ok, and they are:
Guy A: Let's call him Steve. Steve is a guy that has muscles, lots of it, but everyone knows we wants girls for sex. He is known throughout the seventh and eighth grade.
Guy B: Call him Neil. Neil spends his time at the arcade a bunch, playing music and rhythm games, like DDR and BeatMania. While preforming on the stage of DDR, Neil gets compliments from girls, most of which are taken. He's nice and smart, and is known by about half the seventh grade, and about a quarter of the eighth.
Well, just to say, I have a personality much like Neil's, but my name isn't Neil (wish it was). I don't know anyone like Steve, yet, based on questions on here, girls have gone out with a dude like that.
So, who would you rather go for: Dude A or B?
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