A few weeks back, while under the influence of a mixture of things, I was passed out and approached by a law offical, when I awoke, I didn't know what was going on or who awoke me, but I got scared and starting running. Of course I was caught and handcuffed. It is OK to say, "Prob deserved it" I know my faults and go to rehab this week. Anyway, the officer took me to the hospital where I was in these cuffs for a good 4 hours, no word a lie. I asked the officer if he could please loosen the cuffs because they were hurting, mind you, I wasn't combative, in anyway, just scared as heck. The cop took a little bit of presure off the one cuff, but did nothing to the other. The next day, my one thumb felt like it was dead, no feeling in it at all. I figured it was just from the cuffs, weeks have passed and the thumb still feels like it is dead. I just want to know if this would be considered excessive force if there is dmg to my thumb when I asked for the tension to be relieved.
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Law Enforcement & Police