What makes dragon a dragon? It features: wings, body, it can fly and breathe smoke and fire. Airplane also does this, but it's not dragon. Lizards look like dragons but cannot fly, neither do they breathe smoke and fire.
How to modify a lizard or airplane to turn them into a real dragon. What are basic features sine qua non? Why a chair with two legs broken off is still a chair, but a cow with all four legs intact is still not a chair? OK. Cows give milk. Suppose we added an attachement to a chair (leather) that gives milk, it still will not convert our chair into a cow.
You'd say cow is a 4-legged animal that gives us milk and goes "mo-o-o". But now we do not know what "animal" stands for... If our cow besides these two things would be able to breathe smoke and fire would it be OK to name her a dragon that cannot fly?
That is, how to give a shortest class definition of an object that we are trying to describe to an alien (legal, illegal, that does not matter)
3 answers
asked by
vladimir l
Other - Science