If it is illegal to do it in real life, then why do we as American citizens allow things that are illegal to be viewed by everyone no matter the age or mental circumstance? Children are allowed to watch TV, Internet and videos that are totally inappropriate and people who are mentally disadvantaged have no understanding that what they see on TV is not something appropriate for them to do. People can check out videos of hideous cruel acts of violence being done to another person yet when a person mimics those actions they are allowed so easily to view via the internet and different Medias, they could be imprisoned for misconduct.
Where does our responsibility concerning the fact that what we allow people to view and read, we are actually educating them how to do, come into play. Perhaps the right to free speech and free press is more to our detriment than to our good and we need to consider casting out old laws that no longer protect us and creating new laws that would truly help us free from the horror and bondage that many people see via the different Medias and then inflict on other people in real life because the idea was put into their minds from watching it.
As more and more people lose their moral reasoning through drug and alcohol abuse and as more and more victims of occult abuse and other sexual abuse situations split into different personalities doing hurtful and unkind things to other people; and as more and more people are being educated that life is just an illusion and that there is no good or evil and that whatever happens to someone is neither good or bad, it just is, our society will continue to breed more and more people willing to inflict pain and suffering on others thus creating more and more mentally disturbed individuals who then need the financial assistance of the state to live off because they are unable to work and function normally in society because of the traumatic abuse inflicted upon them. If all this insanity is allowed to continue it won’t be long before our hurtful acts have affected so many people in such negative ways that the majority of American citizens will be mentally dysfunctional. Who then would be in control the country?
The different Medias have desensitized most Americans to the point that the majority of Americans no longer view murder as being disrespectful or hurtful to another human being and most see no wrong in being deceitful. The different Medias have desensitized Americans to the point that we think it is funny to be abusive and throw and hit things. How many cartoons can a child even watch without being exposed to at least 100 acts of violence or negative feedback from one character to another portrayed to a person or an object?
Most people learn best from example, what kind of example do we as Americans want our children being raised around? Is there any wonder there is so much violence, road rage, gang fights etc. This violence is not being learned from a proper spanking to the clothed behind when a parent is correcting a child for a misdeed trying to teach them proper moral principles and behaviors to help them become honest, trustworthy, productive adults, it is being modeled by our negative Media characters! What responsibility do all those producers earning millions of dollars off the violence they project out to the American people have for the example they set?
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Law & Ethics