A show of force isn't gonna make the jihdists law down their arms or get them to the bargaining table. 20,000 more of our troops will only escalate the violence three-fold. By the time our guys even get there the Iranians will send fighters over there in droves to continue the Sunni genocide. Al-Sadr the head Shiite, is loyal to hezbollah and has more popularity and militia forces over there than we have troops. He kills Sunni's and US soldiers without prejudice. Our going over there and showing a presence will allow his Militia (most of them Iraqi police) to wack Sunni's off at will.
More troops, more violence, more of our men and women caught in the middle of the civil war. The only good thing about the whole scenario will be the increased call for W's head making it such a double edged sword for those of us who want him dethroned. Blood is gonna be spilled over there until a winner emerges from this civil war--
Why should we help them kill themselves off?
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