!st let me explain i do not bash prostitutes,however i dont condone it either,but i dont condone lying,stealing,murder,rape and all the other possibilites of unlawful & sinful behavior.But i like to engage others in conservations of morality and compare a complicated insurance,credit card contract,& fine print in an avertisement etc:as legal lies to what is considered some of the worst sinful occupations & i point out that one is just as bad as the other---------guess what people dont like it when i get close to home base,i do this protraying as a stupid person & i ask the complicated questions that intwines their minds.Its fun and i plan to write a book about it. Do you think i'm bad just a mischevious, a mind opener or other? Its fun ,but i retain my profile as moron so as not to let the cat out of the bag. I wish i had a camera crew that would film it all.When we part i see a sigh of relief,but i'm sure i left an after taste..
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