Doctor Who, currently starring David Tennent as the 10th Doctor is a great show. but there are some loose ends and gaps that should be tied up. For example, what caused the 8th doctor (Paul Mcgann) to regenerate into the 9th Doctor? Some say it happened during the great Time War. . I say have an episode that has a one time return of Paul Mcgann and Christopher Eccleson - have 8th and 10th Doctors fight side by side during the Time war, but the 8th doctor is severly injured, and regerates into the 9th Doctor- The time Lords try to time scoop all 13 of the Doctors, but can only get a few- perhaps all the Doctors from Colin Baker on. Baker shows his age, so have him trapped in a time eddy...For one thing, bring back the Brigadier. I am glad Sarah jane smith made an appearance.
Should past Doctors make an appearance? It happened before in 'The three Doctors', 'The Five Doctors', and 'The Two Doctors'.
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