I have a 2 1/2 yr old grandson that my husband and I have been raising. He's lived w/us since his birth along w/ his mother, but care for him. A few days ago, she decided she wants to "play" mom. She making him stay up in thier apt w/ her now. Blocking the stairs so he can't get down to us. So, she been doing him to bed, my issue is -- he usually doesn't want to go to bed, but the 4 nights she put him to bed and he didn't make a sound and he slept all night, which isn't normal for him. The mom is having an issue w/ drinking alcohol and we believe she's giving it to him to get him to go to sleep and keep him asleep. I located his cup in the frig. w/ a drink that tasted like it had alcohol in it. If I say anything to her she will get upset because I was in her room. So, what should I do??
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