He has periods of being a bit better but at present soils his pants up to 3 times a day unless we literally force him onto the toilet. He says he is not scared of the toilet. We attend an enurisis clinic and have tried star charts, sweets & money as bribes, punishing by no tv, toy bribes etc. He sits on the toilet with a book, legs on a stool etc. He is not constipated, we have been down the whole laxative route as well. It's possible it's just a power struggle but I want it to end!! He also wears a pull-up in bed and is soaking in the morning. We have tried desmo-melts to no effect. Dr says must fix soiling before getting a bed wetting alarm. I see no light at the end of the tunnel. Any advice? I know I shouldn't punish/shout - we try not to but it is difficult not to get annoyed when he's screamed that he doesn't need it and then half hour later has dirty pants!
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