in the past years, so if a person came in illegal 5 years ago, and the laws changed to include a felony charge years later, how can that charge be put on a person that wasn't even here at the time the law changed,further more to have this felony charge added to your history should be illegal, and if immigration is unlawfully allowed to bar a person from reentery into the USA for 10 years based on this felony charge, INS is showing they think they are above the laws that give us all fair treatment, most laws not at the level of a felony charge are settled by paying a fine, which would seam in order in the case of this person coming into the USA before the laws changed to include the felony charge, this person left the USA without force,no deportation took place,been in mexico 1 year, what ground does the INS have to inflicked anything on this person or refuse reentery on an approved I-130 petition wife of a US citizen, i would like to know my legal right as the husband.??? thank you
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Law & Ethics