ok, heres the situation:
i am 14 now. I am in the ninth grade. In the seventh grade, i started going out with Brandon, and we stayed together untill about 2 months ago. but heres the catch... my mom has absolutely no idea that i am with him, in fact, she dosen't want me anywhere near him. but she is only like that because she dosent like his dad. (his dad is an alcholic and he dose some drugs) and weve been seeing each other, only because he has been coming over on weekends and sleeping NEXT to me in my bed. but upuntill like a week before we broke up, things were going smooth. but when we broke up we ended up getting back together, then we broke up again, and then we went on a "friends with benifts" that worked for a bout a week, then, we ended up getting too involved again. (the whole reason that we broke up was because we were going to diffrent schools and we were tiying eachother down.) so now were are on a STRICT "brother and sister" relationship. do u think that this will last??
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Singles & Dating