I mean why would one want to molest/abuse a child, cheat on a spouse or mate, be deceitful, steal from someone, gossip about someone that can hurt them, manipulate to get their way, be dishonest, basically anything that would hurt someone in a negative way...? Whats the point you may ask? Well what is the purpose of arguing over what religion is true or the right one when really we should focus on treating each other right, dont do harm to your neighbor, family, or friends oh and co workers. I mean I think that is a principle that we all can live by... oh and guess what that's what it says in the Bible...Love God, love others as you would yourself. For those that dont believe in God is this something that you would consider if it only meant that, that was all you are to do? None of the you should do this, that and the other...just be nice to each other.
Just curious if most that dont believe because there are too many laws that man impose on society...
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Religion & Spirituality