good Questioner asked:
If Republicans are so into family values, why don't they promote changes in the law that REALLY would?
strengthen marriages
1. Bring back common law marriage - people would automatically be married after they live together a certain amount of time or if they lived together and had children
2. Make divorce more difficult
3. Increase funds going to child support enforcement instead of decreasing.
1. You raise the incentive for people to live with another person outside of marriage for the purposes of eventually becoming married. This is not necessarily good public policy.
2.Making divorce more difficult is not necessarily a good thing. There are instances, abuse for example, where a quick divorce is important.
3. When was this "decreased"? Link please.
What C=JD is actually saying IS:
1- We armchair christians will decdide what to do with your tax dollars.
2- The straight divorce/gay marriag ban is NOT hypocritical because,well,quite frankly,
it's a christian BIRTHRIGHT to write the law in a way convenient for nominal christians.
3-we refuse to rationally acknowledge increasing child support because we will dammit.Now
go away!
4- We'll stay out of your personal lives allright,after we're DONE with you!!
Wouldnt America be a better place is people like C=JD would at least admit they want gay or unmarried couples to be second-class citizens itself of all the fanct dancing around the issue.As usual,the epublican base is on the WRONG side of history.
Like the American voters said Tuesday:"Enough transparent peity.I want accountability".
22 answers
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