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All categories - 22 October 2006

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Okay this may sound dumb but for those christains who believe in peace and love as in Jesus, why vote for politicans who all seem to love war and hate people. Like if they got enough bombs off they go, not very christain, so why encourage them, infact why do we have them. Why can't we just live in Christain communities and let Muslims live in Muslim communities or even all live together and well make bread and they can catch fishes etc. Or did Jesus really want guns, bombs, banks and boarders and old men who fart and kill chidren to run it all?

2006-10-22 06:05:24 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

i would download frostwire but loads say it is illegal to download music from that software and i would like one free and legal.

2006-10-22 06:05:20 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Entertainment

if you like scary movies tell me what the movie is.

2006-10-22 06:05:19 · 9 answers · asked by ~♫ღ♫~Vampire ninja~♫ღ♫~ 2 in Movies


my husbands cousins gave our 3 sons a 5$ jack in the box card for x-mas last year and they knew that we were going to be having x-mas together for 2 months. not only that but they were eating the jack in the box when they gave them the gifts. This year my mother in law is having x-mas day at their house and we are declining to go, my husband thinks that they were rude to give a "thoughtless" gift and doesn't wish to spend the holiday with his cousins if we can spend it at home. We usally drive 2 hours on x-mas day to his mothers. His family however says we are being rude for not appreciating the gift and thinks it sour of us for not wanting to attend. Are we being rude for wanting to stay home for once and do we have the right to be upset about last years gifts? Isn't it the thought that counts? But it seems to us that there wasn't any thought.

2006-10-22 06:05:18 · 23 answers · asked by k h 1 in Family

Dead mans chest. The DVD? Anyone know?

2006-10-22 06:05:16 · 2 answers · asked by Rowan 7 in Movies

are they taught a double standard when dealing with white people and dealing with latinos I Mean i used to have a lot of latino freinds,,some illegal,,,they would say that if a mexican lies to a a Mexican that is sin against brothers but if a Mexican lies to a white person that is just laughed off ,,,becuase white people are the biggest liars and one has to lie to them to live in this country,,,,LIKE this one guy I know was lying to me about this cable bill he ran up,,and my other tennent defended him and said he was telling the truth,,,as soon as the one guy,,,a latino,,found out he was lying he got extremely mad and said I can't believe that guy,,,it's one thing to lie to you,,a gringo,,but to lie to me i,,a latino is just wrong,,,,I am tired of this mentality,,, I beleive this is what is behind the latino pro-immigration drive,,,it's a ethnocentric,,twisted mentality,,,backed up by beleifs that white people today are direct soul brothers of thier conquering forefathers,,,

2006-10-22 06:05:13 · 15 answers · asked by justsayin 1 in Immigration

i am using airtel broadband how will i know at what speed my net is working

2006-10-22 06:05:12 · 3 answers · asked by vls 1 in Internet

Obama is a US senator that considers running for President in 2008. He is also a democrate.

2006-10-22 06:05:11 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I know this question gets asked a lot and I understand the answers are not from a professional practioner but wanted to know your thoughts.

I came off the pill in April and ever since then I have been using condoms with my partner. My periods have always been regular but this month I haven't got it yet - so far it is 15 days late.

I have taken two pregnancy tests and they have come back negative. I have no symptomns but did have some bleeding a while after my last period - but it wasn't like spotting a brownish pink colour. I keep getting the odd tummy pain like period pain but that's it. I'm not stressed or going through a bad time. I am going to the doctors this week to have another test but from the results of the home tests it makes me think I'm not - I used First Respone which can detect it v.early.

2006-10-22 06:04:59 · 18 answers · asked by luce 1 in Pregnancy

ok i'm a senior in high school right now and have applied to colleges for next year. recently i've been hearing a lot about how a lot of people spend a ton of time partying in college and that its an amazingly fun time. however, i've always been the smart kid who no one wants to really hang out with and party with, and also went to an all boys private school for high school so i really have no social skills whatsoever...i've never been to a high school party, so i really don't know how to act. and my parents are really super strict so i'm kinda scared as to what they would say if i am partying....whatever partying actually entails. so...am I just going to be completely rejected in college and not fit in at all? or will i find a way to fit in?

p.s. i'm not saying i don't want to party....i just don't really have any experience or know what it is, so i'm just kindof lost and afraid that i'm not gonna be accepted at all in college cause i'm so confused as to how to live a college life.

2006-10-22 06:04:56 · 3 answers · asked by joe 1 in Higher Education (University +)

2006-10-22 06:04:55 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

In retaliation for sending your scum over to the Scottish Football section?

2006-10-22 06:04:45 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in English Football

I need help from all you single moms out there.I have been married for 2ys and have a problem with my husbands ex-wife and don't know if its me or not.My husband has joint costody and is scheduled to get his child everyother weekend. We all live in a small town and his family has many family fuctions. If the fuctions fall on the ex's weekend rather than ask if we could swith weekends they just invite her to come. This makes me very uncomfortable as we are not on good turms and i feel she just goes because she knows how i feel. I have spoken to my husband and he says what can i do they invited her. When i did get him to speek to them they got mad and said just get over it we just invited her because we wanted his child there. But why not ask us first to see if we can get him before just inviting her? Also is it wrong for the ex not to ask us when she gets the invite she knows how we feel about this? So am i just overeating my husband said we won't go when shes there

2006-10-22 06:04:45 · 7 answers · asked by verizontec98 1 in Marriage & Divorce

2006-10-22 06:04:35 · 12 answers · asked by horsekathryn@sbcglobal.net 1 in Family

In the state of Florida, I've heard that car insurances have to add in the fees associated with purchasing a new car (as part of a property damage settlement). Is this true?

2006-10-22 06:04:35 · 6 answers · asked by devoutguardian 1 in Insurance & Registration

2006-10-22 06:04:34 · 16 answers · asked by אידיאליסטי™ 5 in Philosophy

In what ways did World War II affect children's lives? PLEASE GIVE ME A LINK TO THE PAGE FOR WHAT YOU SAID. I need help for a research assignment, its not for cheating, but my teacher said we had to have them tommorrow about children's lives during world war 2. We have to pick a State that was affected by WW2 abd study then. I've been searching and searching, but theirs not even one website I could find about this topic, please help! If I can't find this assignment, my teacher "will make the whole school year horrible", I quote. Also, i'll loose my points, thank you to everyone who decides to help, I'll be most grateful.

2006-10-22 06:04:23 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

What do you think with men that has nice shoes & dresses well.. To me i love a man with good taste in shoes & clothes... Just curious to know that you feel...

2006-10-22 06:04:21 · 5 answers · asked by Belle 5 in Fashion & Accessories

Anyone else think Good night Sweetherat was the last truly great sitcom on tv for the last few years? Nothing else has got my imagination going likt that. Maybe its cos i love time travel stuff?

2006-10-22 06:04:18 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Television

2006-10-22 06:04:13 · 32 answers · asked by Infinite 1 in Philosophy

I'm in 7th grade and I'm female and I need 80's costume ideas for my school dance, so nothing inappropriate. Oh and I want it to be cute!

2006-10-22 06:04:13 · 17 answers · asked by laugh2death101 2 in Halloween

I have a standard estate 307 ,but need three separate seats for my three children.Is it realistic to swap the standard rear seats with some out of the SW version.If so how do I remove the rear seats.If I can do this I probably won't need to buy a new car so it would b well worth a go!

2006-10-22 06:04:12 · 6 answers · asked by jumbo remote 2 in Peugeot

help.what can i do to save my house .

2006-10-22 06:04:10 · 3 answers · asked by sandy b 1 in Renting & Real Estate

My husband was abusive to me and my children and we have been separated for three months, although I left him in my mind long before that. I have moved away and started a relationship with someone I had previously been friends with. His living situation is such that he needs a place to live right now and I'd really like to ask him to move in with me, since he already spends a lot of time at my house, but I don't know what to do. I wonder whether it will affect my being able to get full custody of the kids in three months when I file for divorce (have to wait 6 months cuz I moved out of state). Also, my seven year old daughter likes this guy, but she is having trouble dealing with the fact that I have a relationship with him. She is upset that I will not get back together with her dad, even though he was abusive to her. This is so difficult. Anyone have any advice on how to handle the situation?

2006-10-22 06:04:04 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

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