Okay I need help. I love my best friend. And it's taken a while for him to get his feelings out. We've been best friends for a year. And today he wrote back to me about something we'd been thinking over for a pretty long time. I wanna say yes, but I don't know...
I dont want anything to change. Would things change for the good if we became more than friends?
This is exactly what he wrote:
Hey (my name) I think your really nice and beautiful and I can say a million good things about you also, and I think I do like you. But I'm really shy and it's hard to say it but, I dont know, like if I asked you to be my girlfriend I dont want you to feel weird or anything, so anyways I think you're everything I would ever want in a girlfriend. And if you don't want to be my girlfriend it's okay I'll understand I don't want to put you under any pressure or stress.
I haven't written back yet, but I want to think it over carefully
Should i say yes or no?
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Singles & Dating