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All categories - 1 October 2006

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Jewish people are like everyone else. We like Dorritos and barbecues, sleeping late and watching cool stuff on tv. We like boobies and Real Sex on HBO, and we like rollercoasters and we get creaped out by the Burger King dude. We curse sometimes and always find the best sleeping position just before we have to get out of bed. You can't even spot us out of a group, because we are usually white and are using cell phones to call our peeps. Sometimes we even say to each other, hey you f*** jew, just joking around. Sometimes I tell my friend that I'm better then them because they are Jewish, and then they remind me that I'm jewish too, and there goes that. Ya see?

2006-10-01 18:14:40 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

what is the derivitex of (2x+1)^5 i think i getting dumber and dumber sorry guys only how can i find it with the NDERy thxxxx

2006-10-01 18:14:36 · 3 answers · asked by Jason 1 in Homework Help

If someone told you
"just because you have a degree, it doesn't mean you know any better?" how would you interpret that and how would you handle this situation.


Let's say you just got hired and your manager who never went to college therefore never got a degree tells you the above

2006-10-01 18:14:36 · 12 answers · asked by a100 1 in Politics

I was hoping to use all three. I have them at home. turbo jam seems the most fun but I need to try out core secrets to tone and burn more fat and sustain muscle. Pilates is hard and I figure to do more of those after I lose more weight. I am 24, I plan to do lots of cardio on the elliptical at the gym and do and alternate on the workout dvd's. tell me which ones you've heard of that I listed and which is the best in your opinion. thanks

2006-10-01 18:14:36 · 2 answers · asked by dabluschmosprincess 1 in Diet & Fitness

my ex broke up with me for a reason that was unexplained to this day she says that we are better friends then lovers but now that we are apart we really dont talk.

2006-10-01 18:14:31 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

but the original first written bible was translated into three different languages, from those three languages it was then translated into english. All of those translations were made by fallible human beings who could have changed and or added anything they wanted to. So in reality don't you really have faith in a translators written word?

2006-10-01 18:14:20 · 11 answers · asked by ? 6 in Religion & Spirituality

out of these bands witch is your fav? nickelback creed fallout boy green day yellowcard black eyed peas

2006-10-01 18:14:15 · 23 answers · asked by mat 2 in Music

2006-10-01 18:14:14 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

2006-10-01 18:14:10 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Celebrities

If someone told you
"just because you have a degree, it doesn't mean you know any better?" how would you interpret that and how would you handle this situation.


Let's say you just got hired and your manager who never went to college therefore never got a degree tells you the above

2006-10-01 18:14:09 · 3 answers · asked by a100 1 in Other - Society & Culture

i got a feelin my starter could be toast, however, i noticed that there is quite a bit of oil and dirt on it. where the positive cable connects is probably gunked up too. when i turn the key, it just clicks. so this build up of crap on the stater-would that be enough to make it do that? i know that i do need a new cable but when i hooked up a fresh battery to it it started no prob. any insight appreciated coscho

2006-10-01 18:14:03 · 4 answers · asked by coscho 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

2006-10-01 18:14:02 · 5 answers · asked by Tonya W 6 in Alternative Medicine

6 pack of beer, how much in sydney area, and through out the country??

2006-10-01 18:13:52 · 6 answers · asked by Love LA 2 in Other - Australia

Ive never had one

2006-10-01 18:13:47 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I have a crush on a co-worker and professionalism keeps us from really expressing those types of feelings but this is how he acts towards me...
- He's nervous around me
- Is always super nice to me
- we went bowling with friends and he had to high five me after every frame.
- we smile at eachother a lot but it feels so tense

I'm just curious

2006-10-01 18:13:43 · 6 answers · asked by Jp83 6 in Singles & Dating

I can't understand the process. I can take percocet and class a and b drugs and never desire one after my pain is gone. He describes this as such a great deal, when all i do is itch and fall asleep. He is working on a probationary license after he got in 1998. He goes to NA meetings, I have gone with him, I hear many things I am unaccustomed to hearing, such as crack, herion deals, but all he took was probably a billion percocet. I don't understand how a person can crave painkillers if they are not in pain. I drink, that makes him want to use, so I decided not to drink in front of him, no big deal for me. He has a bad knee, he went into the hospital this evening, he told me he has been taking about 15 vicodin a day for a week, he is about to lose it all, thank God he went to hospital because if he were called for a urine, he would have been hot, but he knows how to deal with that. What in the world am I dealing with. I never even knew he was on drugs, I love him. HELP ME

2006-10-01 18:13:26 · 5 answers · asked by marie 2 in Singles & Dating

Sometimes you may be ordered to do something horrific in times of war. The trouble is you may have to spend the rest of your life with the terrible act on your conscience. Here is a true case. Imagine it happened to you:

You are a British soldier in Burma during the second world war, marching through the jungle towards the Japanese enemy. Your patrol captures 3 Burmese villagers and a 10 yr old boy who are almost certainly spying for the Japanese. IF you let them go, they will report your position to the enemy and the lives of all your comrades will be in danger. The officer decides the Burmese must be shot and he select YOU to be one of the firing squad. What do you do?

a) Refuse and ask if someone else can do the shooting
b) Agree to shoot the men but plead to let the boy live
c) Obey. Shoot the three men and the boy.
**The soldier in the actual story chose c. (true case)

Which of the above would YOU pick? (also state the reason why)

2006-10-01 18:13:25 · 39 answers · asked by No-one 4 in Military

If someone told you
"just because you have a degree, it doesn't mean you know any better?" how would you interpret that and how would you handle this situation.


Let's say you just got hired and your manager who never went to college therefore never got a degree tells you the above

2006-10-01 18:13:24 · 9 answers · asked by a100 1 in Etiquette

When im studying or playing sports i need to concentrate.....how can i improve this because i need it.

2006-10-01 18:13:19 · 4 answers · asked by anonymous 27 4 in Homework Help

In the past I have not been able to qualify for financial aid as a dependent student. I probably made a little over the maximum to be considered for aid this year. But I am thinking about going back to school full time ASAP. My mom has not worked in 2 years because she is on disability. If I quit my job to just go to school and fill out the FAFSA what will my chances be? How does it work when you quit your job and have no reported income, but I worked all this year?

Please help... I really need $$ for school.

2006-10-01 18:12:56 · 8 answers · asked by ♥eLizAbEtH♥ 5 in Financial Aid

2006-10-01 18:12:55 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Celebrities

i will be interviewing for a job as an assitant for a young, well known actress. what should i wear?? a suit and tie?? or a younger such as a dress shirt and jeans??

2006-10-01 18:12:50 · 7 answers · asked by theAddict 1 in Friends

2006-10-01 18:12:50 · 6 answers · asked by Clemente I 1 in Motorcycles

Just wanted to know if anyone else has been recently. I've been twice since Steve died (I only live half an hour away). Once last week and they had they guy that sang He Changed our World on. It was really sad. It didn't seem the same anymore.

2006-10-01 18:12:48 · 3 answers · asked by Melanie W 1 in Current Events

She says its hers and I tell her its mine except when shes using it so to speak

2006-10-01 18:12:47 · 11 answers · asked by mcfatguy 1 in Singles & Dating


2006-10-01 18:12:44 · 14 answers · asked by U Think U Know Me 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

My father is in the hospital for 2 weeks now in the ICU because he has pancreaitis. He is on a feeding tube and they put a hole through his trachea because he can barely breathe. (tracheostomy). Well my question is

while he is sedated..can he hear me at all...what is it like...i dont know..i see him blinking with a closed eye when i cry to him, hold his hand and tell him i lov him... I want to know if he can hear me...its such a horrible sight to see my dad, gasping for air provided by a machine...

im telling everyone now....appreciate what you have...because anything can happen...it takes only 30 seconds of a disease to ruin your life...plz pray for me....i need it....

i cant concentrate in school at all and this is my senior year...i dont know why this happened to my family...i dont know why

2006-10-01 18:12:36 · 18 answers · asked by bombay2pac2000 1 in Family

2006-10-01 18:12:21 · 14 answers · asked by summersister79 1 in Mental Health

2006-10-01 18:12:12 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

When i hit programs and select the program, it doesn't play it. Can someone help?

2006-10-01 18:12:06 · 2 answers · asked by BLAH 1 in Other - Electronics

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