My daughter & grandson do not need me so much anymore. Now I walk the dog and make sure the house is secure (I come over for that!) They have learned to count on that! We are talking about my 30 yr old daughter and 12 yr old grandson. I have looked into moving to Hawaii (which is a 5.5 hr plane ride) I want to make sure I am not betraying my child and grandson. What's a grandma to do? Will they forget me and will I lose them forever? It's very expensive to get there. When my grandson was liittler we were closely involved and basically a unit. Now I think I can split (as we used to say) and they won't feel abandoned by me, will they? I want to see whatever I can, I have things to do out there!!! If I don't go, I will just be denying my God and getting old at home, and quickly. But what if I die somewhere else? I'm healthy and I do turn my health and plans over to Jesus Christ but I have never been in a position of leaving my best people behind. How do I present this?
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Other - Family & Relationships