I was told by my doctor to start checking my cervix for mucus. Hubby & I have been TTC for sometime now, I have been checking my CM, now for about 3 months. This month it is different. It seems like everytime I check it's clear & stretch. I though this was only to be when you were Ovulating. I can't be Ovulating for almost a week 1/2 , can i? I thought it only lasted a few days. The CM started out as it did every other month, dry for a day or two after my A/F and then white & lotion like, then changed to the clear, slippery, stretch CM. I had my last period on Aug. 14th &?I cycle every 29 days. I should have Ovulated around the 29th. Which is when the clear, slippery, stretchy stuff occurred, but it hasn't really gone away. there was one day when I was kinda dry & had really no CM, then it changed to milky, watery whitish CM and now it is clear and stretch again. There is not a lot of this but there is enough to notice it when checking CM. I had sex every since the last day
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Trying to Conceive