About 6 months ago, I stopped getting my hair cut -- big mistake. Because, my hair is extremely thick and I have a lot of it -- growing it proved to be a disaster. And, to make matters worse - I got sick of it being in my face, and tried cutting it myself. OOOPPPS! So, I am left with some really, really, really short bangs (sp?), layers upon layers that are over grown, unmanagable, and killing my mornings trying to tame it.
I really must add that I am going through an ugly-ugly divorce, and well, I just want to feel free, wild, and young again.
Do you think that going as far as getting it cut in one of those boyish type of cuts that doesn't really leave much hair, is to much? Or should I go for it?
My entire life, I have basically worn it short - but, have never gone to this extreme before. My hair is dark brown, eyes-hazel, and I have a round face.
Anyone have any advice, and some pictures to choose from?
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