I am very disturbed to discover that two out of my three Labradors (inside dogs) have fleas....a disturbing discovery in any case, but particularly maddening given that I have had them on K-9 Advantix since at least March, and have not gone "overdue" in the dosing schedule. What on earth is going on?? I have two dogs with fleas, I had to go away for a couple of days the day after I made the horrible discovery, but bathed the first dog with Adams Flea & Tick shampoo (I didn't know the other had the fleas, plus I hadn't needed the shampoo in literally years and only had one dog's worth in house). I also re-treated everyone with the K-9 Advantix. It seems inexcusable to me that, approximately $36.00 worth of Advantix later, I come home to fleas, fleas, fleas (plus an added bonus of a dog who now appears to have flea allergy dermatitis!) How can I treat my home (we have birds, kids, & fish)? Do exterminators have any edge? Uggh! Thanks in advance fellow dog lovers!
9 answers
asked by
Hannah B