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All categories - 9 July 2006

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I am looking for Italy to score 1st from either Luca Toni, or De Rossi!!!

2006-07-09 05:43:55 · 11 answers · asked by Stacy J 2 in FIFA World Cup (TM)

I really like this guy named justin and he is so cute funny smart and really good at drawing I like for a lot of other things but I dunno if he likes me for anything I a little overweight but I am really nice and funny

I am also 12 years old

2006-07-09 05:43:53 · 26 answers · asked by Sabby 1 in Singles & Dating

My in-laws wants us to move in, or closer to them. I got nothing against them but I'm the kind that likes my own space. Never acctually own a home before until I got married. Been in and out of homes from adoptions. So when I got married, I felt like now I finally own something, something to call my own. I have my husband who loves me to death and our new home. Before I felt loved by the people that took care of me, but I didn't feel that I belonged to something until now. My in-laws don't seem to understand that and I also think that we'll have a better relationship if we don't live with them under the same roof. They're very nice people but me and my husband like to do our own thing. What do you think? Am I being mean? How should we solve this?

2006-07-09 05:43:36 · 27 answers · asked by keziah 3 in Family

i dont undersand the beta thing!!! people are telling me that microsoft office is not out only the beta! what is the difference! when can i expect it to be out!!! and when can i expect windows vista to be out!! how much you expect it will cost??? for the operating cd!! you think i may get it illegally?? please reply???

2006-07-09 05:43:34 · 11 answers · asked by Scatter 1 in Software

We got a piece of fruit off of my boyfriend's grandfather's tree. We were told it was a type of grapefruit but i am not sure. The outside looks like a lemon, but it is very large (size of a cantaloupe perhaps). We were also told you can boil it with sugar and serve over ice cream (a spanish dish)...please help! I want to find a recipe but i need to know what it's called.

2006-07-09 05:43:32 · 5 answers · asked by punkrckprncess 2 in Cooking & Recipes

(I know I already wrote a question like this but i need more answers)
My brother is SUCH a tattletale! All my friends even know that he's a tattletale, infact a lot of people know! Well pretty much everyone except my PARENTS! I am getting so sick of it! He tells on my for every little thing and I always get in trouble! Like if I call him an idiot or something he tells on me! If I playfully tap him on the head with a say a pen or something, he says OW THAT REALLY HURT and tells on me!!!!!!! And he ALWAYS CRIES IT IS SO ANNOYING! He is 9 years already and it sucks! HE HAS BEEN DOING THIS TO ME ALL MY LIFE AND NOW I'M SICK OF IT! I mean always get in trouble for like nothing and he never does I need some advice i tried talking to my parernts but they won't listen! They just say be nice to him and he'll be nice to you!
Please help!
Thank you!!!!

2006-07-09 05:43:27 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

whitch brad pit's movie you think is the best

2006-07-09 05:43:25 · 19 answers · asked by tiger_lover 1 in Theater & Acting

I can not get it to print right no matter what i do.
If you dont know what i'm talking about you can see them here.. http://cgi.ebay.com/50-Matte-DVD-CASE-INSERT-Inkjet-Laser-High-Resolution_W0QQitemZ150007129709QQihZ005QQcategoryZ44931QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

2006-07-09 05:43:11 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Computers

I have heard several plans, but all of them seem to involve some form of rewarding illegals for their entry into this country. I wish for answers that would resolve this issue while ensuring that those who do commit this crime are punished, not rewarded.

2006-07-09 05:42:49 · 22 answers · asked by darkwolfslust 2 in Immigration

hi does anybody know the answer to this math(substitution) problem, x=3y
2x+3y=15 if any body know please tell me? THANKS

2006-07-09 05:42:46 · 17 answers · asked by ISABEL 1 in Mathematics

is it true? what do u think?

2006-07-09 05:42:41 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Greece

Without the Weave:What You Need: Black Elastic Bands, Hairspray, Gel, Bobby Pins, Clip, Comb, Soft Bristle Brush
Divide the front of your hair from the back. This hair should come over one ear to the other. Clip away the back of your hair. Divide the front section into one big section in the front and 2 small ones on the side. Clip away the two small sections. Take the bigger sectionand using an elastic band tie it into a ponytail. Spray the part of the ponytail towards your eyes. Pouf up the section, by pushing up the ponytail until you get a hump.Secure this with bobby pins in an X shape and then put one bobby pin through the middle of the X, so the hump doesn't slump, then respray it with hairspray. Now work with the two smaller sections. Brush it out with your comb to take away any tangles. Now with the soft bristle brush push them back on the sides. Secure it with bobby pins where you have the X and smooth it over with gel. You can put it up or down for a casual or formal look

2006-07-09 05:42:30 · 6 answers · asked by [ $$$ ) 3 in Hair

She recently, when taken out to relieve herself, does so while continuing to walk down the road. She doesn't go find her usual area in the grass for her BM, but just continues to walk along with my husband, and moves her bowels as she walks. It's as if she doesn't even realize she is doing so. The BMs are normal and she isn't acting ill. She is eating normally. What is up?

2006-07-09 05:42:06 · 6 answers · asked by Amy P 4 in Dogs

I just came downstairs (I have a tri-level) and my carpet is puffed up, almost as if water was under it, but nothing is wet! What is it?

2006-07-09 05:41:54 · 14 answers · asked by lilli b 3 in Maintenance & Repairs

More information:
She has 2 boys
The new baby will be born over 4 years after the last boy
She is still with the same guy

2006-07-09 05:41:51 · 12 answers · asked by Red Fox 2 in Family

2006-07-09 05:41:50 · 15 answers · asked by DOMINIQUE M 1 in Television

Princess is really sick. I dont know what to do. She keeps throwing up even when she doesnt eat anything. It is also really hard to get her to eat. She just lays around the house all day long as if she cant move. I would take her to the vet but I dont have the money.

2006-07-09 05:41:49 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

If a planet/moon were to explode, what would there be to slow down the debris? Would there also be a way the debris could accellerate? Say a planet/moon exploded, whats to stop the asteroid created from directly impacting our moon and causing it to explode thus sending yet another newly created asteroid at us?

In a vaccum what is there to slow something down or speed it up that has no physical propulsion attached to it?

This is what is explained in the bible, that an asteroid coming from the suns location, hits the moon, causing another asteroid to hit the earth, while removing our atmosphere, in it's final days, what would it take for this to actually happen? What is it in space that could affect what it would take for this to happen?

2006-07-09 05:41:41 · 16 answers · asked by disabled_trucker 1 in Astronomy & Space

I met someone online about 2years ago. Since then we have formed a very close friendship. We only met in person two or three times. Lately I feel like our friendship is falling apart, eventhough my friend constantly reassures me that she feel the same way about me. It seems like she never calls me anymore or is always busy when I call. Do you believe im being silly to consider this person as my best friend? Do you believe that distance apart, how oftern you see someone and the amount of time you talk to them, all determine rather or not they are your close friend? Thanks for the answers.

2006-07-09 05:41:31 · 8 answers · asked by SOMEONE 2 in Friends

2006-07-09 05:41:19 · 18 answers · asked by chamri t 1 in Books & Authors

my husband says that i shouldn't breastfeed because i don't eat healthy enough! which is true! i am not a vegetable person but i do eat them sometimes!! what should i do cause i want to try to breastfeed my baby!

2006-07-09 05:41:18 · 21 answers · asked by ananda 2 in Pregnancy


hi im lisa im 21 and almost 7 month pregant my iron is really low what help to raise it up??? to normal level??

2006-07-09 05:41:12 · 10 answers · asked by humboldtpartygirl 1 in Pregnancy

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