I can. Trade agreements are constantly being struck up between nations and continents that make borders more and more meaningless. Without tariffs and some form of economic protectionism the concept of a nation has less meaning. Many would prefer to see this happen. Borders only hinder corporate progress/ profits. They are seen as a roadblock. Again, I don't think that this change will occur militarily. The WTO has already has and will continue to draw up a plan of the world. Most folks don't realize that that is the real deal. This process may take decades but I believe that it will happen. It might not happen fully within my lifetime. But it will happen. The concept of a nation-state that develpoed a few centuries ago will go down the drain and another form of world organization will take it's place. I am not saying this is necessarily a bad thing. Although one could definitely dispute that. But change is inevitable.
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Other - Politics & Government