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Martial Arts

[Selected]: All categories Sports Martial Arts

I'm currently looking for some kind of martial art or exercise which combines spirituality (like yoga or meditation) but also gives you strength and a firm body. I'm a guy and I would like something a little more manly than yoga. Somebody told me Tai Chi was a good idea, what do you think?

2007-11-19 11:18:54 · 15 answers · asked by mastersensei 3

Grr!! Ive been sticking to exercising and working out for everday execpt either a saturday or sunday!

It consits of Sit ups, Push ups. I work on hand stands, legs muscles, i power jump, practice front flips.. all that kinda stuff. and i sometimes lift weights when i am around them.

but push ups just seem to be getting harder.

first i started out doing then 4 times each 10 a set equaling 40.

then it got harder. so i pushed it to 20 20 to get 40.

now i can hardy get to 20!?!?

am i doing something wrong?

2007-11-19 11:00:29 · 7 answers · asked by Alex S 2

2007-11-19 07:48:55 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

re-evaluate their programs and raise their standards some in respect to promotions and time-in-grade?

2007-11-19 04:40:21 · 10 answers · asked by samuraiwarrior_98 7

Elaborate your answers.

2007-11-19 02:25:56 · 9 answers · asked by REDMEAT 3

Which is a better way to make my fist harder? Makiwara board or boxing walls?

2007-11-18 22:03:50 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok I've heard of people using a fighting style gentle fist and I've seen one use it but I'm not sure if its even a real martial art if it is could i get a site on it i would like to get some details

2007-11-18 19:53:03 · 8 answers · asked by andrew f 2

where does the power come from to create the ninja death punch?
is it even possible? to kill with one punch?
explain how this ninja death punch works please!!

2007-11-18 14:49:01 · 16 answers · asked by all.rounder90 1

how can a 150 pound kid (who can only lift 40 pound dumbells) beat up a 210 pound kid (who can lift 50 pound dumbells) in a fair fight (not cheap shots(kicking him in the balls), no weapons,...)?

2007-11-18 13:42:47 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

In this time when we have the UFC and similar organizations how do Mcdojos still operate. We've seen what works how come people still insist point sparring and kata are the best way?

2007-11-18 12:56:56 · 18 answers · asked by fastfists7 3

I am an avid martial arts practitioner. If it was possible to get a career highlighting marial arts, I would be ecstatic. One thing though: I'm not interested in the movies or things of that sort.

2007-11-18 11:05:40 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

For the life of me I can never sit in a deep horse stance for more then 30 to 40 seconds even after doing Kung Fu for quite a while now. Are there any tricks to improving your horse stance, preferable aside from just doing horse stances?

What muscles fail on you when your in your horse stance and what other exercises strengthen these muscles? If it is just a matter of doing a horse stance more, how often should I attempt to stay in horse stance every day and how long should I hold it? Would adding weight such as from a backpack help any?

2007-11-18 10:06:26 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I teach tai chi, karate and kung fu, having over 20 years experience, and have trained in China and Japan. In those countries, the teaching is very strict, and while I am strict with my students, I do make it fun too, always ask them are they enjoying their training. As in China, I teach in the open air, as to rent a gym is an expense I would have to pass on to students, which I don't want to do.

There has been a dop in students though, particularly as winter starts to bite. I know the trainingis not easy, but I feel it is made too comfortable sometimes, by the coffee house style of some of the gyms / mcdojos I have been to.

I simply wish to raise the standard of training, and to train outside is hard, and yet there are many sunday league football games where you train in rainy, damp, cold conditions.

So what's the answer? I want students to enjoy their class, but benefit too. The only way is hard work, and be regular. Am I way off on this one?

2007-11-18 01:38:33 · 16 answers · asked by jonoxk 3

I understand there's various styles of it (And I know BJJ is derived from Kodokan Judo), but only until recently have I heard people claming it's suddenly ineffective. Where the hell are these people getting their facts from? LOL? :p

2007-11-17 23:01:57 · 12 answers · asked by Kenshiro 5

My aunt's ex boyfriend has diabetes and he was over weight. This was 4 years ago, he took my brother and I to practice Wing Chun every Saturday morning. He has practiced this martial arts for many years yet why is he still over weight?

People say if you practice marital arts it gives great exercise since its cadio you burn a lot of fat. I mean look at my aunt's ex hes still fat, whys that? I've also see other martial arts instructors and they have round bellies... I thought they would have abs after a long period of practice.

Thanks for reading.

2007-11-17 22:26:16 · 6 answers · asked by Closed 5

Is there a super deadly martial arts that is so strong that its forbidden to use? Or are all martial arts deadly if you use it out of anger? Are there moves where you can fatally wound someone? Also how does pressure point work? I feel as though I must learn martial arts but I dunno which one to choose from. Any suggestions? I really want to be faster in the mind and physically.

Thanks for reading.

2007-11-17 21:42:20 · 13 answers · asked by Closed 5


We here about them everyday. There's nonstop appreciation of them. There's an entire anime dedicated (albeit loosely) to them.

What are your opinions on them?

2007-11-17 18:04:59 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want to take JKD, but theres no where in my area that teaches it. So how good is Sun Hang Do as a martial art ? Does anyone take it ???

2007-11-17 16:59:14 · 3 answers · asked by wolffen5 2

Please without saying anything negative about either style.. The Muay Thai round kick, is a devestating kick, which Muay Thai fighters have trained to defend very well (because it hurts like hell if you don't)... Equally devestating when landed is the TKD front kick and side kick, which TKD guys train to defend very well for the same reasons (although TKD sparring is not as intense as MT sparring)... I am a TKD guy moved to MT just long enough to react well enough to rarely get hit with the Round Kick .. (I like to turn me knee into the kick to protect my leg, and drop my elbow to protect my ribs, and the cut kick is beutiful against the high kick), having said that any of the guys there that have been there 5+ years still beat the crap out of me (hopefully not for much longer :)... but against a front kick or side kick, even the 5+ year guys get the deer in the headlights look... one guy likes to turn his elbow in to protect his midsection, I havent really thrown the kicks hard..

2007-11-17 13:55:36 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I mean it is one of the most popular martial arts but can those kicks be properly integrated into a fight situation. Also is it better in Korea, could someone froma korean school defend themselves better than a U.S. student. any info would help.

2007-11-17 13:45:36 · 14 answers · asked by Robert 2

theres this *** from my neighbor hood who used to mess with me a ton but i got bigger now he wont stop messign with my friend because hes small if i see him im gonna talk to him and if he says anthing im going to call him out he slike 5'4 and 160 im 5'11 and 130 and a blackbelt hes a punk and cant fight what sohuld i do?

2007-11-17 13:14:15 · 16 answers · asked by joeschmo932 1

side-flips are cool and very hard to do.
Jackie Chan can do it, why can't I?

2007-11-17 10:44:20 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous


HI!! I have a question.. does only tae kwon do give belts? or do other martial art types do too?

2007-11-17 09:03:25 · 14 answers · asked by ♪~♦ Eternal Stream ♦~♫ 3

why do we have to learn kata in order for us to get belts?
in what does this help us in?

does it help us in self defense?
or do they just make us do it because its art?

please help me, because seriously i think katas look pretty stupid (in my opinion)

any suggestions ?

2007-11-17 07:37:09 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Um... I know what karate is but.. I'm not sure what the whole point of it is... Like... Is it just about breaking things in half or something or is it actually something that you compete with a person... Sorry to be dumb on this.. I am really confused...

I also applied at Kenpo's Karate place.. So I hope I will do well...

2007-11-17 06:22:14 · 26 answers · asked by grace. 3

the samuarai talk about honour ect but in zen buddhism one has to get rid of this, were they more egoisitc

2007-11-17 05:24:47 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

It is not ment to be a weapon, but everyone has one. you can take it any where. And it is very effective in martial arts applications. It is not part of your body, what is it??????? And why would it be effective?

2007-11-17 03:43:48 · 9 answers · asked by Danielle B 1

If someone targets your testes for a hit or a squeeze can you be knocked out cold? Have you ever seen this happen? Could death even result from a testicle compression?

2007-11-17 01:26:29 · 14 answers · asked by Pat S 1

I'll be needing it in my karate-do, so i could last several rounds of sparring.

2007-11-17 01:15:32 · 4 answers · asked by Jan Richard M 1

I've recently started to take Wing Chun for a two weeks now but I also have a heavy experience in Muay Thai as well. The reason I left Muay Thai is due to my studies and school. Now that Wing Chun is actually closer to where I live I realized that the punches are effective and it has helped me maintain a slow progress of balance.

I'm really liking this art and I was hoping if I could somehow combine Muay Thai with Wing Chun in my later sparring days. Wing Chun's stances are different as well as the punches and kicks however I feel a certain powerful combination among these two arts.

Compete with others? No, I want to compete with myself and see how two arts can blend into one. I detest boasters and honor the modesty--therefore if there are any answers such as... Jujitsu is the best; then you have proven your idoicy.

One 1/2 years of Muay Thai.
Six months of Karate
Three months of High School Judo

( P.S Thanks to Wing Chun it's teaching me not to be so darn stiff!!!) :D!!!

2007-11-16 19:31:53 · 5 answers · asked by Raax 3

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