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Religion & Spirituality - 11 October 2007

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I know there's more examples of why it is brainwashing, can anyone help me out? Here's my list so far:

1. The Bible has good and evil all over the place. So you can you pretty much justify can kind of crime be it slavery or stoning homosexuals if you put it in the right context. Who wouldn't want to follow the Bible where you can do terrible things and still be in God's favour?

2. There's a vague prophesy on the return of Jesus, so people will be like "I should be Christian just in case Jesus comes back in my lifetime."

3. It says that Jesus died for everyone and that we have to repay him by worshipping him.

4. It says Jesus loves you unconditionally. I mean, who doesn't want to be loved? tear*

5. It says you will be go up to heaven and live in eternal bliss when you die if you repent and you go to hell if you don't.

6. "God" says that the Bible is His inspired words so you better follow it because the Bible says it's God's inspired words! Circular logic..

2007-10-11 11:57:56 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am currently taking a evolutionist history course in school, and have noticed how it SPECIFICALLY said Yahweh was an unspeakable name to the hebrews. Do we have any right to toss it around like we do? Even atheists should be ashamed, we have no right to disrespect these peoples traditions and customs.

That includes Saying Oh My God

2007-10-11 11:57:33 · 10 answers · asked by Monkeymoo 2

what is passover? what are the acts of the appostle? who are the God fearer? what group was paul of? what was the council of jersusalem? why was paul most infulentual? who was perpetua? who was pliny? what is a heretic? what is an apologist? the word bishop means?

2007-10-11 11:56:08 · 8 answers · asked by danknka b 1

If youre atheist, can you give some good examples as to why faith is stupid. And If youre a theist (christian,muslim etc..) can you tell me why it makes sense to believe in something with absolutely no evidence to support it.

2007-10-11 11:55:22 · 11 answers · asked by J F 2

2007-10-11 11:54:07 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm not trying to cause an argument but most people I know who have a deep religious belief seem to generally have very low intelligence.

2007-10-11 11:54:03 · 21 answers · asked by mick123 2

2007-10-11 11:53:16 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

so how come no ever tries to win the janes randi guys money cause i could win that hands down and anytime anyday but am honestly really starting to wonder who that guy thinks he is doing people just dont go around proving to proving there psychic to people especially me ?

2007-10-11 11:49:48 · 3 answers · asked by dangelo m 1

Is your beef against an invisible, bearded sky god
whom you deny even exists or against the violent and
morally reprehensible activities of human beings?
Admittedly, those were acts committed under the banner
of religious dogma, fanaticism, bigotry, ignorance and
tyrranical government. Still, it doesn't disprove god.
It just proves human beings do violent and morally
reprehensible activities.

Furthermore, many people believe in god for solace,
meaning, social support, comfort, etc. Belief in god
isn't necessarily the result of a lack of knowledge
(ignorance) and it doesn't always lead to moral
bankruptcy. Many charities and numerous humanitarian
efforts are funded and carried out by religious

Faith isn't inherently bad, but faith devoid of reason
and ethical considerations is. When people take faith
and twist it into fantasy and fanaticism, i.e. flying
747's into buildings, blowing up abortion clinics,
sticking babies into microwaves, etc. then it's

2007-10-11 11:47:33 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

they always thank god or whatever "thank you jesus" like they had absolutely nothing to do with their own accomplishments, or when a doctor saves a patients life the doctor had nothing to do with it, god did it all. Why is that

2007-10-11 11:45:59 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I once saw a spell in a book of my mother's, but cannot find it now. It was a spell to cause someone to come to your door. Does anyone know a spell like this? I'd like to cast it.

2007-10-11 11:44:17 · 8 answers · asked by Jeremy D 1

2007-10-11 11:42:30 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why are they so closely linked?

2007-10-11 11:40:54 · 4 answers · asked by Sopwith 4

2007-10-11 11:39:44 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-11 11:38:43 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

What countries do each stick represented today?

2007-10-11 11:37:09 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Christians love to explain that life can't come out of nothing. That the odds of life here is so far fetched that it can only be caused by a god.

Fine, please explain to me this then. Why would a god create a huge universe if he is sending his son to reclaim this planet and only the good will go to this heavan, and the bad will go to hell. Why would he waste his time with galaxies billions of miles away?

You say that god has order, them why are there all these meteors floating around aimlessly in space causing massive damage like the the ones that hit Jupiter a few years ago. the chance of a meteor hitting the earth is real.

Why did this god create radioactive materials. Then there would be no nuclear weapons. There would be no threat of nuclear armed terrorists that could make millions suffer.

Why would a god allow the creation of black holes that are swallowing the universe that 'he' created.

So show me this order in this chaos listed.

2007-10-11 11:36:01 · 13 answers · asked by bluesagedragon 4

Is painting or sculpting an image of Jesus idolatry? Were Leonardo and Michelangelo idolaters? Is visiting an art museum an act of idolatry? I'm wondering where the modern-day puritans would draw the line.

Here what idol means:

And here's what idolatry means:

2007-10-11 11:35:19 · 16 answers · asked by Bruce 7

Apparently from the look of recent posts a lot of "Christians" are having a hard time with this one.It basically means, mind your own dam* business,live and let live, even if someone disagrees with you.But I know...whats the fun in being a pacifist right.People would rather let their ego get up on it's hind legs and tear someone down to make themselves feel better,even though it doesn't work that way.sad.

2007-10-11 11:34:23 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-11 11:33:24 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

please do NOT insult my intelligence with Wicca for dummies, and i have the website Wicca, for the rest of us, ( i like that one. very consise and easy to follow.) But not Silver Raven Wolf, to ride a silver broomstick, or anything else by her,I read off the website. Help??? The reason for the book, is for a guideline and so i can make my own BOS>. Thankx!

2007-10-11 11:32:33 · 25 answers · asked by Dragonflygirl 7

Personally I don't believe that Jesus' sexual orientation makes a difference in regards to his work.

John 21:20 reads,
-Peter turned and saw that the disciple whom Jesus loved was following them. (This was the one who had leaned back against Jesus at the supper and had said, "Lord, who is going to betray you?")

2007-10-11 11:30:53 · 11 answers · asked by Yahoo Sucks 5

Were they just threatened with "emerods" in their "secret parts"?

2007-10-11 11:30:01 · 16 answers · asked by Enigma®Ragnarökin' 7

If so, can you tell everyone about it, like the amount, and how much you received, and also how long it took to receive it after you prayed...?
I have faith, but still need a bit of encouragement

2007-10-11 11:28:30 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

This guy cam to my chapel today, and he said that a Christian should not like violence and he showed some verses where is says we should not.
But I like stuff like CSI, CSI:NY, CSI:Miami and Criminal minds, ect.
Is that bad? I just like crime shows.
Please help

2007-10-11 11:28:02 · 37 answers · asked by I♥pix 4

I heard/read somewhere that most Heathens celebrate Winter Night on the full moon (or new moon) nearest the holiday, or any holiday for that matter except the solsitices. I can't remember where I got this or I'd look it up again. I was just wondering what other Heathens think about this?

2007-10-11 11:26:20 · 13 answers · asked by Heathen Mage 3

Do they or donthey. Why?

2007-10-11 11:24:00 · 31 answers · asked by zdude57 2

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