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Religion & Spirituality - 5 August 2006

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am i crazy or gifted

2006-08-05 09:00:55 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

Who could possibly get made at Andy Taylor?

2006-08-05 08:59:18 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

14 His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and His eyes like a flame of fire; 15 His feet were like fine brass, as if refined in a furnace, and His voice as the sound of many waters;
Revelation 1:14-15 (New King James Version)

2006-08-05 08:59:05 · 46 answers · asked by Anonymous

i lost my way.

2006-08-05 08:58:35 · 36 answers · asked by toothpick 2

Does anyone else feel like we are in a downward spiral away from common sense? I have seen so many pushes in the abstinence movement, and yet it has repeatedly failed. People contending that by getting someone to sign a piece of paper and say they wont have sex is somehow educating them? This is ridiculous. We have children and parents that are completely ignorant on disease and rather than educating their children about sex, informing them on birth control and how to be safe, and THEN encouraging them to wait... they jump right to the last part... dont have sex, you''' catch AIDS, get pregnant, it will ruin your life and it is better to wait till you are married...

I am not encouraging kids to have sex, but I understand that it is a realistic inevitability. I would rather my child be informed and safe than ignorant, and misinformed.

2006-08-05 08:58:21 · 9 answers · asked by E-Rock 3

2006-08-05 08:57:19 · 3 answers · asked by msmonica47 2

Background: I was told I could not have salvation if I believed in evolution in a non-denomination Christian church in 2000.

Do you believe that people who do believe in evolution of man from another species in the past are not saved by Jesus and can not be saved by Jesus? If so, do you have a scriptural basis for this?

How do you feel about people who do believe in evolution and believe they are saved because they believe in Jesus's death and resurrection?

Also, please explain 1 Kings 7:23; upon plain reading I read that a building is to be built that has a radius of 10 cubics and a circumference of 30 cubics. This seems to be word for word instructions from God. Is this an error somewhere because pi which is the ratio of circumference to radius is approxametely 3.14 in all other circles; was the author of 1 Kings 7:23 a bad math student and disregarded God or is the translation in English wrong? Please explain I'm trying to understand this.

2006-08-05 08:53:55 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

lovin' life answered the question "Mormons: What is the archaeological evidence for the events of the Book of Mormon?" and she stated that Mormons "believe that Christ visited the people of the Americas shortly after his ressurection. Both the Mayans and the Aztecs had a god (in mayan either Quetzalcoatl or Kuklucan) who was supposedly white, bearded, and had blue eyes." But in fact, Jesus was dark skinned. How can this be explained?

2006-08-05 08:52:28 · 15 answers · asked by lost in translation 3

you guys said it in responses here

If Jesus is God how could he have deserted himself on the cross, and if he did not then what did the "E'lo-i, E'lo-i, la'ma sabach-tha'ni" (Mark 15:34) mean?

2006-08-05 08:52:09 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just existing was the reason we left in the first place. Would we ever have the need to be curious again or to have an adventure.
Just basking in the comfort of ultimate love and understanding sounds nice, but theres more...................................................................................

2006-08-05 08:51:19 · 5 answers · asked by Corey 4

Just wanted to knw what the Bible says...actually....cause i'm gettin confused!!! Plz help me out!!

2006-08-05 08:51:13 · 6 answers · asked by BeN Philip 2


is what he said any different from what is said on Y!A about Arabs and Muslims?

2006-08-05 08:49:50 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

he appeared before job and I want to speak to god too!!!


2006-08-05 08:49:45 · 18 answers · asked by Wilson Kipketer 2

this young lady needs all the good positive thoughts from us all ... please whatever your beleifs .. even if it is the flying spagetti monster ... know that your thoughts can help her so much .. can you all go to this post and add your good thoughts or prayers or whatever you can
you athiests can do it !! cause i did say even the FSM

2006-08-05 08:49:13 · 9 answers · asked by Peace 7

atheists:honestly..don't you feel a spiritual emptiness??please be honest with me

thanks a lot

2006-08-05 08:48:51 · 21 answers · asked by Cat Stevens 6

I believe in God, and i have faith. I just don't believe in all the other stuff christians and others believe in. Because im not christian, most of them say that I can't be friends with christians! what is that!? Did God really say, "If they do not believe in me, do not befriend them." "what if they do, but aren't Christian?" "...Th-they still can't be your friend...B-because, they uh...(fill in blank Christians.)"

2006-08-05 08:47:09 · 37 answers · asked by Billy C 3

2006-08-05 08:46:07 · 43 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-05 08:45:58 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-05 08:43:54 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I dreamed of Oprah telling me to join her. She told me to help her destroy George Bush Junior's grandson (named George Bush Junior-Junior). It was the year 2070. She didn't age at all. She was wearing some cheetah fur and some strappy leather armor. Her hair was wild but very beautiful. She handed me a blunt spear and I saw her make a charismatic howl. It was dark, so I couldn't see anything, but I heard the voices of thousands of other woman miles away howling. It was so stormy. I could vaguely make out a ruined city. There was no sign of modern technology and everyone seemed backwards. Oprah told me that George Bush Junior-Junior destroyed the modern world by detonating five Atomic bombs causing a change in climate. There is no electricity now. George Bush Junior-Junior's army is composed of thugs wielding machetes and pick axes. She told us that we, as women, should rise and cleanse the world. Is this really going to happen? Have I foreseen the future? Should I make mac n cheese?

2006-08-05 08:41:18 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

This isn't Oprah, it's Opera!

2006-08-05 08:41:15 · 19 answers · asked by Opera 3

This seems to be the only explanation for Genesis 1; 6&7.

2006-08-05 08:38:16 · 2 answers · asked by messenger 3

I have never understood the concept of the trinity. Could someone explain it.

2006-08-05 08:35:05 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

Will the Preacher get mad if I done this?

2006-08-05 08:34:28 · 9 answers · asked by kathy6500 3

My mom is having surgery this week and she has a 20% chance of survival. please pray for my mom. I am only 12 years so I really need her and don't want to lose her. Thanks
God Bless!

2006-08-05 08:34:08 · 55 answers · asked by michigansponge1993 2

MOUNT SINAI, Egypt -- Most people are familiar with the story of the Ten Commandments -- even if they can't name (or don't practice) all of them. They are the laws of life's conduct given to Moses by God on the peaks of Mount Sinai. After etching them into two stone tablets, Moses descended from the mountain to tell the newly-freed Israelites what God had ordered.

The Biblical patriarch ... found his people worshiping golden idols -- already breaking Commandment number 2 about not celebrating graven images. Moses was so angry that he hurled the two tablets from the mountain.

They shattered and, according to holy texts, were subsequently 'restored'"

"There were actually ten more commandments carved on the back!" Lawrence told us. "Apparently Moses was so enraged he forgot to tell the Hebrews about commandments eleven through twenty."

Full story:

2006-08-05 08:32:16 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

It's about an inch around and half a centimeter thick, is it lead or gold or what.

2006-08-05 08:31:21 · 1 answers · asked by The Coroner of China 3

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