There is a lot of disagreement when someone is over the hill. Some say 50. Some say 40. Some say you are only as old as you feel. That's bull. Most people start seeing grey around 40. These women on these "old people commercials" make me laugh so hard. "I'm sixty and I feel younger than ever." Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha, o,o, you're killing me. Why don't these old people just stop it. Others will say"can you tell how old I look?" "I'm 40, but people say I look 25." Please. I don't care how people say you look, you're not 25 anymore baby. You're over the hill. You're 40! Live with it. Most of the women out here are 40 and over and wish for their younger days. That's why they hate Britney and Paris so much, because they're young and pretty. They're not at home with the typical "I'm married, mother of three, I'm using anti aging cream, husband cheating on me with a younger woman life." Just deal with it. You're old. You will never be young again, no matter how much cream or makeup you use.
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