What would you do if you had a harmless, but uncomfortable encounter with someone you don't know, and you found out they were telling people about the situation? Their friends are giving you dirty looks, and laughing when you walk past. The person you had the incident with barely looks your way when they see you, but when their friends are around, they participate. What would you do? I've tried to forget the situation and let it go--it's something I'm not ashamed of, but certainly not proud of either--but this person is keeping it going by possibly slandering my name. What do I do, especially because the only thing I can base it on is the fact that her friends are be disrespectful toward me? Right now ignoring it seems like the best thing to do, but I've been ignoring it for months. What advice can you give me to control myself when ignoring the situation becomes old? I feel like the time is near and I don't want to do something else I will regret.
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Not You, Me