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Other - Society & Culture - 23 March 2007

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i'm apparently sparky

2007-03-23 03:36:49 · 39 answers · asked by sassy! 2

My daughter heard me talking my friend about the questions that hindu4ever had put up and other people. And she asked what racism was
I explained that it small minded people who dont like other people that look different. and dont like people that believe in different things from them.

She promptly replied with "they sound stupid who would want to be there friends i wouldnt"

Why when people get older do some of them get so bitter and twisted?
Why cant people just think the way an 8 year old does it seems so simple

2007-03-23 03:36:37 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-23 03:33:43 · 9 answers · asked by crazyblackjoe 1

There is a cemetary in my hometown for years that is still buring people there. when i went to take flowers to my dad, it took me 5 to 8 minutes ( wish seem like 30 minutes ) to find his lay on the ground tombstone . for a minute, i thought they have moved him out . is there such thing as dead bodies dugged out to put other bodies . the cemetary is big , but not that gigantic to bury so many . i'm 53, and since i can remember being 16 in high school , the cemetary was still active in burials . if someone that knows about this , can give an answer , it will most deffently be appreciated. i was just curious . ..........thank- you

2007-03-23 03:31:12 · 4 answers · asked by o 5

U dnt know me and u'll not want to be with me,IAM a HITMAN,i kill for money,one day while i was on my job to kill a man who was a comp engineer,when i was about to pull the trigger of my sniper rifle a small girl(daughter of his)came to him and when i saw their expressions i couldnt pull the trigger for the frst time i felt that i was going to do something wrong,frst time i saw love given by parents to children , and frm that day i cant kill anyone whenevr i go to kill i thnk that if i kill the prson how will his kids get love,i dnt know anything about love iam an orphan and the circumstances made me to take this job HeLp if u can to make me get back to my old self

2007-03-23 03:30:44 · 8 answers · asked by samsidhu2006 2

Spread the love now, happy friday one an all, big ups, the weekends a coming!!! Woohoo, yee ha!!!

2007-03-23 03:30:14 · 14 answers · asked by Whatever. 3

What could I do about the lies people tell about me?

2007-03-23 03:24:53 · 6 answers · asked by PLENTY! 1

whilst up int the attic searching for god knows what I came across my brothers old old gameboy that my father bought for him in the early early 90'! it had a mario game in it where he has to save a princess(I finished the game last night) and it worked perfectly fine, my dad paid 80 Gulden (that is the old dutch currency before they inforced the euro) and I think its worth every penny!

this is more a comment then a question, just thought to mentioned it before someone had a sarcastic opinion!

2007-03-23 03:23:58 · 4 answers · asked by 3

2007-03-23 03:20:43 · 19 answers · asked by rsdalbritton 2

2007-03-23 03:16:15 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I recently visited a convalescent home and was shocked to see how nice it is. I could not believe the services provided, the fun events taking place among the patients and the meals. Pillows fluffed, water fetched, slippers put on your feet - all by the nurses at the push of a button.

This seems like just the thing I need. I plan to pay out of pocket & stay at least 2 months. I went to my doctor for the appropriate arrangements and at 1st he did not understand what I was asking. Once he understood, he became angry and stated something along the line of "I will not associated with sending a 32 year old man to a convalescent home". So he is definitely not going to help me.

Looks like I have do it myself. Before I do, I'd like to know - is there any difference in rates with weeks vs. months? Even a discount as I'm 32 - my back hurts and I can't run like I used to but the nurses will not need to help me to the same degree as the older residents.

Help - please?

2007-03-23 03:12:36 · 7 answers · asked by Brady Boone 1

what would you do if you saw a UFO Saucer making crash landing onto earth's ground?
A. would u run and tell someone
B. would go ahead and check it out
C. would you copy Will Smith from Independence Day
D. would you drink tea with the martian
E. or would you welcome E.T. to planet earth and get zapped
if you can think of anything else go rite ahead

2007-03-23 03:12:00 · 2 answers · asked by triplet 2

2007-03-23 03:08:56 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-23 03:05:46 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

If not i think there should be.

2007-03-23 03:04:54 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

if so, do you understand the reasons people do this.just interested to hear your oppinions.have you suffered racial abbuse ,been stared at that type of thing

2007-03-23 03:04:23 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-23 03:00:50 · 2 answers · asked by twinkle sundae 3

2007-03-23 02:59:46 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a Native American 100% and I am married to a Hispinic Male he speaks better and proper english then i do he WORKS HIS BUTT OFF and pays taxes along with everyone else but he gets judged but i think my opinon thay should break down the wall immigration keeps on getting people out of here but relly thay should get people that dont need to be on our streets (thugs, drug dealers,rapiest,killers) etc I think EVERYONE EVERYWHERE should be treated the same no matter what race size color of hair or whatever

2007-03-23 02:52:45 · 9 answers · asked by airejah24 1

I've noticed lately that i'm only thinking about myself and haven't been helping or doing a favour for people around me...
How about you, do you help others? What do you do?

2007-03-23 02:50:54 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Seriously, please do..

..I love facts.

2007-03-23 02:47:42 · 12 answers · asked by Shinny 3

i am a fat boy in class, and one of the students started calling me fatty when i sat with him and he has been calling me fatty since.Now the hold class is always calling me fatty because they agreed with the student that fatty is a suitable nick name for me.Now the word fatty is like my icon everytime people say fatty they will remember me and they don't call me by name they call me fatty and when i was doing a running race with my friend instead of cheering my name they said cheered fatty again.when they call me that, i act happy so i will not make up a scene.Now my question is how can i be fit, i tried to control my diet once but i coudn't and when i try to excersice at least twice a week i find no difference in my weight.Other then slimming cources can you tell me other ways to be thin and not fat?

2007-03-23 02:40:18 · 16 answers · asked by max j 1

Why do white folks keep trying to do things for us blaks. I think they should get there noses out and let us get on wiv things. This politcaly correct cr.ap makes us look bad. Why do the do godders have to stick there noses where there not wanted. I dont need you to defend me so why do u?

2007-03-23 02:39:14 · 34 answers · asked by verruca 1

what shouldf I do?The private lanlord is gonna throw me out because I cant pay my rent what do I do now?

2007-03-23 02:37:08 · 24 answers · asked by nachomanhulk 1

2007-03-23 02:33:11 · 3 answers · asked by Dia 3

We have been playing jokes on each other for the whole time we have known each other, its our way of showing affection, but lately they have been getting worse, all since his 40th birthday.

I shaved his eyebrow while he was sleeping, so he put a snake in my sleeping bag, then I shaved his dog, so he burnt my letterbox down, things like that.

On his 40th birthday I put all these used condoms in his bed. Since then he has stepped it up a notch, the brakes on my bike have been cut, then he spat in my mouth when I was sleeping (I was awake), and last friday I went home feeling weird and sick and spaced out, turns out he put acid in my sandwich.

We have been friends since school, I dont know what his problem is. I dont know what to do, I dont want to see him at the moment, but we are best friends.

Has he gone too far? What can I do?

2007-03-23 02:31:51 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

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