I don't dislike the Hispanic population in the US. I do not like people sneaking in under the radar and raping our system. The people who respond to the language questions with
"well, this is a multi-cultural country and always has been, so get used to it"
obviously have never had to work with a foreign language speaking individual. I have German, Italian and Polish ancestry, do I speak any of those languages...NO! We are not MULTI we are MIXED-culture with a common language (AKA the one I am typing in now). I've had very good friends at the jobs I've worked on who were Jamaican, Mexican, Honduran(they are cool people, the Hondurans). Some spoke very good english and some spoke dribbles, I helped to teach those ones and enjoyed it.
I worked in some very dangerous proffesions (house framing, roofing, sheathing). If I yelled
"Hey Jose, your side of the scaffold is going to break, QUICK fix it or WE will fall 40 feet to the cement floor" language becomes quite important.
4 answers
asked by
mike h