It seems to me that community bonds are rapidly dissolving. People are becoming increasingly more insular and less connected to their neighbors. The most frightening thing about this is that I'm not an old fella talking about the "good old days". I am 21 and I can see humanity worsening in my local communities within periods of single years.
Case in point:
I was walking through the park with my dad and we walked past a father and his two children, a son of about 12 and a daughter (age about 6-7) who were fishing. The kids caught lots of fish so when we walked past them, I asked them both for a high-five. That's just the type of thing I do. The father only looked at me as though I was some kind of pedophile freak.
Is this what the bad news on TV is doing to people? Doesn't that make evil win?
What the hell is wrong with people? Aren't we supposed to want the unity of mankind, not it's desolation? It's little things that are important and they aren't happening...
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