Somebody or the other is getting shot or killed,raped or molested .Has,nt it increased over the years.Who is supplying weapons to these bastards...some bloke somewhere is sitting depressed,left out ,or is just insane so he walks out and shoots .Somewhere else is a group of terrorists who are making to the headlines everyday ..and now storybooks ..through mass killings i mean these are like ******* projects now .They take years to launch an attack ,they know what they are doing ..and yet they are getting away with it.There are politicians making money out of it ,agents,dealers,smugglers ,and now even journalists have nothing else to write except Taliban,Iraq,Osama,or ******* India and Pakistan or Kashmir.There was a time when probably even a a theft was an issue.Whats the point in becoming tech savvy or an economically rich country if you can,t save those lives that are meant to enjoy it.
Can somebody find JESUS for me,Can somebody tell Buddha that he needs to comeback!
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sushant d