I've had a reading and I have come up with this hypothesis that I call the horoscope effect:
When people get a tarot card reading, the "reader" tells them about the past, present and future. When they reader is talking about your past, they say things that can be applied to ANYONE. Same goes for the present. As for the future, as time passes after the reading, people who remember their reading with over generalize. In that ANY situation that sounds something like that the reader told them, is said to be a "premonition coming true." Same with your horoscope. Almost everyone who reads their horoscop will incorporate it into what has already happend to will subconsciously seek out events that the horoscope said will happen.
What do you think about this hypothesis?
Example: A woman might be told that she will marry a blonde. So, after this reading, she will pay no attention to brunettes and actively seeks out blonde. So of COUSE she is going to end up meeting and marrying one.
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