alright, so, i was baptized lutheran in the river jordan. my family stopped going to church because our paster did something really bad. so we stopped going to church when i was about seven. i did not have a very good childhood. i was blind for a period of time, but had surgery so now im not, and i have had four near death experiences. two of which were people trying to kill me. reading became my only escape. its all i did. basically just fantasy, history, and fiction novels. i began to belive what i read. i belived in faeries and still do. i belive everyone has a right to their opinion. i have practiced "witchcraft" but i dont know if it could be considered such, my horse had a broken leg, and i did a healing spell, i have never tried to bear ill will onto anyone. i am a very understanding accepting person with good morals. and i used to lie a lot when i was a kid. my friend who is a pagan said that i was pretty much a pagan. i belive in magick. and my question is, am i going to hell?
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