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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender - March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender


Men in prison historically wear pants down around their butt to show availability as a sex partner to other men. This practice filtered into the streets and has become obscured by urban myth and “modern translation” in order to hide the truth.
If you are gay and want to advertise that is of course your right. (I am not bashing here) It’s just all the young boys running around clueless as to what they are doing and if approached for the intended reason they lash out at the person making advances.
Ignorance is dangerous! Did you know this

2007-03-19 10:10:54 · 10 answers · asked by jinx4swag 3

Hi I have been bi curious since a young child then had my first sexual experience with a woman in college around the age 20. I've only been in relationships with men...even got married to a man and now single and dating... (men) I'm wondering if something is missing? I don't want to hurt anyone... there is one man interested in a relationship with me now and before I know I can take that step with him... I need to know some un answered questions within myself. I'm seeking a safe surrounding of friendships I can develop and perhaps go out with to gay bars or date a woman before coming to another conclusion that I might just be in denial and too afraid to come out.... or just sexually attracted to women... or is there such as thing as bi sexuality or will I have to choose....or will I be unhappy no matter what relationship I'm in until I go on a date with a woman? HELP. please send your adivce.. keep them (friendly) I'm sensitive about this still. I live in Canada. hiclass4u@yahoo.ca

2007-03-19 10:07:29 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-19 10:07:27 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-19 10:01:57 · 19 answers · asked by julia_lomas_the_teaser 1

I'm just extremely happy NOT to be playin for the straight team when they have an ignorant & evil mascot like her running around. So to Dr. Lulu, Die Gays, Now Hear Dis, Olga, Doris and all of the rest of you homophobic idiots....THANK YOU FOR MAKING ME REALIZE EVEN MORE HOW GREATFUL I AM FOR BEING A LESBIAN :-)

***I can't wait to read their responses. LOL***

2007-03-19 09:58:55 · 16 answers · asked by Raynebow_Diva 6

well im bi.. but on the lesbian side.. which catergory do i fit into.. im girlie most of the time i do my hair nails etc love to shop n hav a goss BUT i also when i feel too can turn up in baggy joggin bottoms trainers a hat da works lol.. but still do my hair n nails.. but when it boils down to it. in a club or sumwer im tryin to impress i instinctively dress like a girl.. what kinda lesbian am i? i am also dominating and confident.. help? which do u think and gimme a definition of the type.. THANK U!!

2007-03-19 09:53:48 · 13 answers · asked by *PYT* 2

After all, it is their property, their business, and if they choose to cater to familys then isn't it their right to kick out people they think will harm their business?

If you think everyone has the "right" to go anywhere, then would you feel the same if churches started to teach Bible studies in gay bars and clubs? Of course you couldn't throw them out because they were straight and excersizing their first amendment rights, right?


2007-03-19 09:52:58 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

I really like gay movies, but I am running out of movies to watch with the Lady friend. So, we are looking for them. Would someone help us please?

2007-03-19 09:47:51 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-19 09:39:22 · 23 answers · asked by jollylollypop 1

ok i was just reading a few answers from bisexuality questions. i would like to say first im not judging no one but would love to ask a question. why do 'some' ppl say its wrong to be Bisexual (or gay or watever) cause the bible say so and yet (most probably) those same ppl are having sex before marriage which by the way is also wrong cause the bible say so aswell ?

2007-03-19 09:38:41 · 4 answers · asked by ▲▼ßððĝiз▼▲ 4

first off- please don't call me ignorant or prejudice, i'm coming here trying to understand something i do not. so explain please, but do not tell me im stupid im open-minded and trying to learn.
i say this because i myself am confused. i've seen girls who think they could be gay then call it bisexual and it turns out they just like guys.
i have no idea what my sexuality is but i'm just confused in alot of areas of my life and thats not my question.

so the question -

children tend to play with members of their own sex, sleepovers etc. are these kids going to think that liking their best friend is the same as being lesbians or a gay couple? if homosexuality becomes as commonplace as heterosexuality, could this lead to chaos and confusion in elementary and middle schools?
the rules of society and morality seem to be becoming so loose that they've left me confused. i ask myself if not 1 man 1 woman, why not multiple partners or why partners at all. and then what is a family?

2007-03-19 09:34:00 · 15 answers · asked by somegirlok 3

My sister and I are really close, and She is the only one who knows I am a lesbian. and yesterday she walkd in on my best friend and I kissing. It is not that she thinks I am bad for loving (am I?) it is just that my friend is not out and she has never seen me kissing before. what should I do?

thanks for answers, but if you are rude I will report you.


2007-03-19 09:30:57 · 19 answers · asked by Adrienne m 2

A family friend of mine came out during a get together. Now my niece who is five wants to know what gay is? Where would you begin?

2007-03-19 09:23:37 · 16 answers · asked by danicolegirl 5

what kind of girls do you like?? femmes studz...or you dont really care what they are aslong as they love you??

i like studs....

2007-03-19 09:21:32 · 12 answers · asked by ღ 3SA sL33PY CaNT B3 sToPP3dღ 4

ive been preoccupied with this and its affecting my productivity. am dating a guy who has lots of issues: 1)hes closeted, 2)never given affection as a child, 3)schools comes first right now and never thought hed be in a relationship till he was 30 --hes now 25, 4) needs to sexually experiment still bc he gets validation about his body from it, 5) admits he has low self esteem, 6) has trouble showing emotions, 7)smokes pot regularly, 8)lies, admits hes selfish, and plays mind games, 9)says i deserve better and doesnt kno why i like him so much, 10) doesnt want to be physical w. me now but says we're not broken up, its too much pressure bc of all his issues and its not as fun knowing he has me available, 11) says we're still bf's and knows no one wud ever treat him as good as me and things cud "come back around." he has shown he cares, and i understand him and the wall he makes.i dont want to let it go, is this a waste of time or cud it b worth going with it and me trying to b patient?

2007-03-19 09:13:41 · 11 answers · asked by whatwouldyoudo 1

Do you relate mostly with? and who is the least you relate with?
As much as you know about them...

2007-03-19 09:12:18 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-19 09:04:35 · 13 answers · asked by Inuyasha 1

Are they that uncomfortable with their own sexuality that they have to torment that of others?

2007-03-19 09:01:25 · 12 answers · asked by Iris 4

Okay, so I had a girlfriend for 3 years. Yes, we did things.. but it was much more than that.. she was my best friend, and the love of my life.. But since then I havent had any serious relationships with girls, and havent really been attracted to a girl since her. So was it just curiosity? or what?

2007-03-19 08:54:55 · 3 answers · asked by Stephanie_ is_ bomb. 3

I mean come on bisexual is a term that gay people came up with that are scared to be labeled as gay. The definition of gay is to be with the same sex. So if you are bi then you are gay, right? Who cares if you play both sides of the field you still are gay.

2007-03-19 08:47:08 · 9 answers · asked by knowledge 2

Well, I am not gay..I adore girls :), but talking about this specific topic I think it is unfair why the girls have all of the rights with their sexuality...I mean even yesterday I saw a lesbocouple on the street and still I have never seen a gay couple...Probably that is because my city is kind a conservative...but I really don't like that some girls think they are center of the universe.

2007-03-19 08:39:29 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-19 08:32:19 · 8 answers · asked by kari 2

I try to be respectful towards people of all types- gay, lesbian, black, white, whatever. I even have friends or acquaintances who happen to be lesbian/bisexual, and I find them to be good people over all.

However, I look at porn somewhat regularly (maybe several times a week) and about 70% is "lesbian" porn. The idea of beautiful women with other beautiful women is very exciting to me, yet I worry that I'm offending some people by looking at their orientation as a sexual fetish. I don't think I have the courage to ask to "watch", but if two women happened to kiss in front of me, I wouldn't complain.

So is this disrespectful? Am I offending anyone by thinking about them like this? I know that some lesbians do get bothered by guys who "like to watch".

2007-03-19 08:31:37 · 9 answers · asked by koreaguy12 6

In Alexander, Hollywood was fine with the homosexuality. It was not until after the movie that homophobic people started complaining about it.

Now recently, 300 came out. Xerxes is basically a Freak Show. An uber-giant homosexual. Some would say that it is just a coincidence the only homosexual in the entire movie is a complete freak, but the director agrees he purposely did this.

The director says that the film’s (homo)sexual undertones were intended to make young straight males in the audience uncomfortable, because “What’s more scary to a 20-year-old boy than a giant god-king who wants to have his way with you?”

No doubt, Snyder’s homophobic comment will pass largely unnoticed by the mainstream press, but imagine if he had made his villain a hulking black man and said he’d done so because nothing scares white women like a giant black god-king who wants to have his way with you.

2007-03-19 08:28:30 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well im 16 and i am bisexual still closted and i have this thing for this guy
and whatever and ive been getting really wierd vibes from him.In 7th period one
day the last class of the day we had a subsitute teacher and nothing to do ,the
sub wa showing us dumb magic tricks. So the guy i like i decide to go sit near
him in the hopes that he will same something to me. And he does he just made up
a dumb question and i answered then he was like im bored you wanna sneak out
with me and there was nothing else to do so i was like okay. So we snuck out the
class and we started walking in the hallway and we were asking the normal
questions like were i lived and stuff and vis versa. We walked for about 5 min
then he was like he has to wash his hands and there is nothing on his hands. And
he went in the bathroom he acted like he wanted me to follow him. But i didnt
because i was scared you know. So i waited for him then i ran into one of my
other friends in the hall while the guy was in the bathroom and we started
talking and walking down the hall with my other friend and the guy comes out of
the bathroom and he doesnt see me so he goes the other way and i went to catch
up with him and he had left out the school and i couldnt follow him b/c a
teacher was in the hall.and i was like damnit becuase we were vibing but i was
hestate about going in the bathroom with him.
But the next day it was really wierd he is only in one of my classes 7th period
and we regulary sit across the room from each other. the reg teacher was there
and the whole class we were starring back and forth at each other then we
usally wait for the bell to ring at the end of class at the door he stood beside
me and didnt say a thing my heart was beating so fast i didnt know what to do
but the bell rang and he just left. so today is sunday and tommrow im gonna try
to find him and talk to him to see whats going on and if he whats something from
me ive been thinking about what to say all weekend and i think im ready but my
question is....

What is your opinion on this whole situation what is the guys real intentions or
has this happended to you b/c you have more experience than me and your someone
to look up to so i just wanna know what you think of the whole situation. Thanks
for listening to my one big problem a pond with many little ones(i like that
phrase) THX!!"

2007-03-19 08:27:53 · 7 answers · asked by FReak! 1

Just cuz im bi doesnt mean im a slut. I wish people didnt think that way cuz it makes me feel bad about it.

2007-03-19 08:11:07 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

People think I am gay. I am not and I am not sure why they think I am. I don't play sports (or like them) and I hang out with a lot of girls. My voice is high b/c it hasn't cracked but how can I get them to not think I am gay?

2007-03-19 08:10:20 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

When it comes to bisexuality, I've noticed many otherwise open minded people couldn't bear the thought of that. I have a hairdresser who is gay and claims that there is no such thing as biseuxality as well as other friends claiming bisexuality is "screwed up" and such. How can you convince people like that how bisexuality is more common than homosexuality & it's not as people always percieve it (i.e. they aren't always "confused," sleeping with both genders, cannot commit) because there are varying degrees of biseuxality. What are the real stats and myths when it comes to bisexuality and bisexual people? Honest answers please, no anti-gay or hateful comments.

2007-03-19 08:09:32 · 7 answers · asked by Dusk 6

Like a for the past 5 months ive been seriously thinking that i was suffering from sex addiction..now its like i could careless about it! The only thing that has changed is that i increased my exercise..hitting the gym ya know

2007-03-19 08:06:26 · 3 answers · asked by shoebettysue 3

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