Okay, so now they are going to put Mr. Haggard through a spiritual "restoration" process that is supposed to take three to five years. In this process they are trying to "pray" out his gay. This is a direct quote taken from Yahoo news page from the "restoration" authority about what this therapy involves. Pay close attention:
The process includes counseling, in groups and alone, and prayer. Each restoration is unique, with a program tailored for the needs of the participant.
"From the Christian perspective, we think in terms of prayer, we think in terms of what we call godly counsel, where godly men who are clean themselves insert themselves in the life of the one who is struggling," London said.
The symbolic laying on of hands may also be a part of the recovery, London said.
Okay, back to my question, Is it just me or does this sound more like a prison rape than a "restoration"? The "clean" men "inserting" themselves in the life of the "struggling", laying on of hands?
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