Its occured to me before but think about this. How did you feel when you found out there was no santa clause? Cheated, lied to, manipulated, disrespected, lost trust, lost faith. Im actually quite serious. When I was a kid and I found out that everyone had been lieing to me year after year it made me think about what else they had lied to me about, like Jesus and God. The thing is we all participate in this yearly lie and if you look at where it came from you will find that the guy in the red suit was created by coca cola. I have come to believe that once you are robbed of trust and faith you lose everything and your truly a pawn in someone elses game. I seriously think its all very sinister, shouldnt we just stop lieing to our childeren now, and if were going to have christmas at all we should all go back to how it was meant to be.
22 answers
asked by
james l
Religion & Spirituality