I have a question about my father. He treats me badly. He was never a good Christian role model. I know he loves me but he curses at me a lot and is verbally abusive to my mother and I. The other night, my girlfriend and I were at his house holding hands on the couch. I know this story sounds childish and stupid.. My girlfriend said something about the F- word being in the dictionary. I whispered in her ear and she playfully slapped me on the arm. I do not remember what I said, but it was not anything bad. We were just flirting with each other. My dad saw me and thought I had said the F-word to my girlfriend. My girlfriend is 19 and I am 22. He gave me a horrible dirty look and continued to glare at me for the rest of the night. I was mortified. My girlfriend was meeting my dad for the first time and she saw his looks and asked me later why he was so mad at me. When I told her, she was shocked, because I had not said anything wrong to her, my dad just thought I did.
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Religion & Spirituality