Think about this. Let's say all the religions in the world disappeared, and only one remained. Suppose everybody converted to Christianity, or everybody converted to Islam, or to Buddhism, or Hinduism, or Judaism or whatever. We figured out which one was the true religion, so everybody converted to it. What will happen then? Why do you think religion is a social thing? Why isn't it personal? Why do you go to church, or temple, or synagogue? It's because there are other religions in the world, and the society you live in is trying to oppose them. If there was only one religion, you wouldn't go to church anymore. It'll be pointless. What I'm trying to say here, is that organized religions exist only to oppose each other. And that religion is true only when it's personal.
Well, what do you think? Please don't quote the bible or the quran, or any other religious book. Quote only yourself. Thank you.
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Religion & Spirituality