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Society & Culture - 13 October 2006

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

Is that why we have no proof of a god?

2006-10-13 11:20:24 · 15 answers · asked by Spookshow Baby 3 in Religion & Spirituality

Think about all the problems that Jesus could have solved. At the very least, Jesus could have transcribed passages into the Bible that would have ended sexism, racism and slavery forever.

As the simplest example, think of all of the suffering that slavery has caused. Millions upon millions of people have suffered through the bondage and the remarkable brutality of slavery because Jesus and his Bible fully support it. If Jesus had simply made a clear statement -- "Slavery is forbidden, free all the slaves" -- he could have prevented all of that suffering. Yet Jesus did nothing of the sort. Instead, Jesus endorsed slavery.

In the same way, Jesus could have chosen women to be six of his apostles and made several speeches on the topic of women's equality. By doing that, he would have put a huge dent in sexism. Because Jesus did not do that, we still see the effects of Jesus' sexism in our society today.

2006-10-13 11:20:17 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2006-10-13 11:19:04 · 21 answers · asked by Atheist Eye Candy 5 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-10-13 11:18:22 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I have met good and bad of all races; and the reality is ~ we are all part of the human race. Do you stick with "your own kind" because you have the same interests (music,etc.) or do you invite diversity in your friendship with others?

2006-10-13 11:17:51 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

Creates humans, then sits back and watches them starve, ie..children in Africa......I treat my dog better than that...

2006-10-13 11:15:15 · 5 answers · asked by Madmax 3 in Religion & Spirituality

Like having people part seas, telling people to make arks, talking animals, burning bushes, and all that jazz?

2006-10-13 11:15:07 · 33 answers · asked by Spookshow Baby 3 in Religion & Spirituality

I'm thinking of dressing up as Moses. I like the idea, but I don't want to offend anyone. Is this considered sacreligious/poor taste etc? It's not as if I would be portraying Moses in any certain light, I just want to dress up as him.

2006-10-13 11:15:02 · 18 answers · asked by Query 1 in Halloween

Luke 12:48-But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more
The second half of this accurately decribes e=mcsquared.And the Bible came long before einstein
the universe is reflects God's character.Space for example,you can go foward but you cant or at least its very hard to go back.God told Lot and his wife not to go back or even look;unfortunately Lot's wife was turned into a pillar of sand for looking back
There's too many peopl healed by Christ to just say their delusional
Science and others have theories for how material came together,but still cant explain how it came to be in the first place.Not just the big bang, but who started the bang?Christianity has an answer for this;science does not
If randomness is correct,then why arent things still random?
Why if you cant experience God,others cant?

2006-10-13 11:14:52 · 17 answers · asked by Maurice H 6 in Religion & Spirituality

I live there and meet a lot of foreigners, just wonder who of you is coming to Cracow/Kraków soon? It is really worth visiting!
And if you are here, you can email me and we can meet and chat:)

2006-10-13 11:12:06 · 3 answers · asked by Lady G. 6 in Other - Society & Culture

i don't really understand that but.. i am not a believer just want good answer cause my aunt ask me that an i don't have an answer so... help plz:)

2006-10-13 11:11:35 · 11 answers · asked by ReSpEcT 420 1 in Religion & Spirituality

I had a dream about the seven dwarfs and for some reason I woke up tryin to name them all I could get 6 but not the 7th! Can you name the seven dwarfs without using a search tool.

2006-10-13 11:10:51 · 7 answers · asked by monroemarilyn342 1 in Mythology & Folklore

The book "The DaVinci Code" had an answer - but is that correct?

2006-10-13 11:10:40 · 9 answers · asked by michael c 4 in Mythology & Folklore

Are Islam-bashers aware of the fact they are, unwittingly perhaps, taking part in a large-scale concerted effort to lay the grounds for a Final Solution similar to the Holocaust, which they might come to denounce and abhor if it ever takes place. (Just like Moslems nowadays, Jews were singled out and blamed for all evils in the world.)

Such eventuality being ruled out, don’t they think that this global denigration will necessarily lead to the rallying of Moslems, en masse, to the cause of the Radicals and to the concomitant chaos on a biblical scale?

2006-10-13 11:09:54 · 26 answers · asked by Chevalier 5 in Religion & Spirituality

If we could have a party for Olga, preferably an Olga bash, or better yet an Olga roast, would we be able to sell any tickets? Why would anyone want to come? I am asking this because her questions are hideously horrifying, they are inhumane and she is shocking with her violence towards people that have done nothing to her. Is she so horrified by her own life that she or HE has to try to make our lives miserable, well who is sick and tired of Olga crossing the lines of humanity? If enough people report her for her abusive behavior, then we could have an Olga roast, yeah. Sounds like a winner to me. I know I am not the only one who is disgusted by Olga's horrid comments about our lifestyles. There is nothing wrong with us loving each other just because we happen to be the same sex. Love is love. We are loving people, why let this beast of burdon continue to taunt us the way that she thinks she has the right to.

2006-10-13 11:09:13 · 10 answers · asked by spiritcavegrl 7 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

I am a first-year University student and taking intermediate French this year as an extra module. One of my goals is to be able to speak fluent french & also to retain a full french certificate of competence by the time I graduate. I was wondering if there are any fluent French speakers out there who are willing to help me improve my French through MSN messenger. If you wish to be more discreet with your contact details etc you can always send me a private message.

Merci beaucoup! ;)

2006-10-13 11:07:22 · 10 answers · asked by Sky Empress 3 in Languages

ego solum felicem esse volo

to english

2006-10-13 11:05:32 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Languages

2006-10-13 11:05:32 · 4 answers · asked by tpxiii 1 in Other - Society & Culture

2006-10-13 11:04:23 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2006-10-13 11:03:21 · 10 answers · asked by malecats1 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Anyone know where members of the deaf/Deaf community meet or get together in the midlands area or Leicester Rugby Hinckly Atherstone Tamworth type areas?

2006-10-13 11:02:55 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Languages

Think about this. Let's say all the religions in the world disappeared, and only one remained. Suppose everybody converted to Christianity, or everybody converted to Islam, or to Buddhism, or Hinduism, or Judaism or whatever. We figured out which one was the true religion, so everybody converted to it. What will happen then? Why do you think religion is a social thing? Why isn't it personal? Why do you go to church, or temple, or synagogue? It's because there are other religions in the world, and the society you live in is trying to oppose them. If there was only one religion, you wouldn't go to church anymore. It'll be pointless. What I'm trying to say here, is that organized religions exist only to oppose each other. And that religion is true only when it's personal.
Well, what do you think? Please don't quote the bible or the quran, or any other religious book. Quote only yourself. Thank you.

2006-10-13 11:02:50 · 25 answers · asked by Maus 7 in Religion & Spirituality

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