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Society & Culture - 5 October 2006

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

2006-10-05 22:22:03 · 8 answers · asked by CrazySane 2 in Religion & Spirituality

i have seen it happen to many times and it has happened to me. i believe its because in a since we are showing more honor to that person then we show to GOD. i just wish i had of realized that a few relationships back. whats your view?

2006-10-05 22:21:07 · 9 answers · asked by unitedfaith 4 in Religion & Spirituality

I go to a christian school, and well obviously most people are christians there, so am i, but i have a bi family member, whenever i bring him up everyone tells me im a sick person, my family is sick, it really pisses me off and im sick of it, but that pretty much makes up my entire school, i have friends and everything but its just that i have different thoughts on gays and everything to everyone else so leaving school is not an option but i don't know how to get over everyone being so horrible. Isn't hating the almost the worst thing you can do? Shouldn't we love everyone? So why does this happen

2006-10-05 22:20:32 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

when a man and woman go down the stairs, who should walk in front?
the man or the woman?

2006-10-05 22:15:49 · 12 answers · asked by answerboy119 2 in Other - Society & Culture

2006-10-05 22:15:19 · 2 answers · asked by rose_merrick 7 in Languages

biblically, there is no such thing as hell but there is suhc thing as the grave, getting resurrected, seeing the new jerusalem descend from heaven, knowing if one one won't appreciate it, and then finally be burned along with the whole earth, and finally not existing anymore. Biblically, this occurs 1000 years after christ comes and takes the saved to paradise with their bodies immortalized so they can fly in outerspace (how convenient). Then they inherit the Earth and I suppose you get to explore and study the universe's wonders with a much closer look.

I believe that the saved are simply positive thinking people that hope for the best and help and encourage other. They value life and appreciate it. They don't waste it on vice, superstition and stuff.....

LOL i dunno...

2006-10-05 22:13:01 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I wanted to trake a 1 and age it 3 years as my first number aging experience, does anyone else here number age? any advice?

2006-10-05 22:12:54 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2006-10-05 22:11:55 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

i never know what to say to them, so i end up standing there for ages, and im really not interested.

2006-10-05 22:11:15 · 44 answers · asked by jackie d 4 in Religion & Spirituality

How do you think you would honestly react if you awoke one morning to the radio, TV, and newspaper headlines that an archaeological team had just discovered what appears to be the remains of Jesus Christ in a secret tomb hidden in a cave just outside of Jerusalem? Also, what are your current religious affiliations and beliefs?

2006-10-05 22:08:13 · 11 answers · asked by cchew4 2 in Religion & Spirituality

texts such as pygmalion & wide sargasso sea. pls relate to this

2006-10-05 22:06:35 · 4 answers · asked by msss 1 in Mythology & Folklore

A major roadblock in gays and lesbians getting the right to marry is the implication that they'll be granted full rights to raise children, but a great deal of people who are against gay marraige (who are wise enough to exclude religious implications, since no one cares about what God thinks anymore these days) are afraid that gays who raise children will raise them homosexual.

Has anyone yet thought of conducting an experiment where exceptionally young foster children are given into custody of gay, lesbian, and straight parents and their behavior and development is carefully monitored over the course of their lives? It's already upsetting to enough people that gays come out of straight homes, but don't we need to carefully study which household brings about which sexuality? If the results of the experiment follow no recognizable pattern, then it would be proven that sexuality of the children is NOT a result of the sexuality of the parents, and gays could be allowed to have kids.

2006-10-05 22:00:15 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

I'm on a 2 week temp assignment with a new agency while I look for full time work. Kinda sucky job, but it's only for 2 weeks so I deal in the hopes that I get in good with the agency and they give me more work. Thurs. of week 2, they tell me they want me to stay on for another week. Not really keen on it, but I figure I'll endure for 1 more week. 4:45 of the same day, I'm making small talk with my "boss" and he explodes "You need to shut the f**k up when I'm busy! Now turn around and do what I told you to do!" Obviously, I'm definitely NOT coming back for week 3. I just want my money for the time I've worked, which means I have to go back in and work a full-day on Friday. The idiot who did the yelling is the one who signs my time card. Should I tell him I'm not coming back for week 3, and risk him not signing (and not getting paid?) Or should I just try to pretend everything's AOK until I get my timecard signed? Either way, my chances with this agency are shot! I just want my $

2006-10-05 21:56:34 · 9 answers · asked by th3_0n3_r1ng 2 in Etiquette

First things first - I have the utmost respect for peoples faith's.

I refuse to believe the way Muslims are being protrayed by the media over the Jack Straw incident. Has his comments really angered a whole community or is this being blown up and sensationalised by the media? (again)

From what I can gather, he expressed a personal view, something we are all free to do, regarding veil's and it seems he may as well called for the immediate deportation of all Muslim's for all the fury it seem's to have provoked.

Now, here's the question - Is it really the general consencus amoung all Muslims that any comment no matter how well intentioned must be met with furious anger or are you being misrepresented again? I have my thought's but I know I can't ever trust the media to be non-sensationalist or headline grabbing.

Thanks in advance for your comments.

2006-10-05 21:53:21 · 12 answers · asked by The Wandering Blade 4 in Religion & Spirituality

My girlfriend is afraid that she will go to hell because she loves me... a person that doesn't believe in any god.

2006-10-05 21:52:41 · 12 answers · asked by Psilocybe 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Several Christians have stated that Muhammed(sal) was a "child raper".....but actually....isn't Jesus the one who is seen constantly surrounded by children...and it said in the bible he LOVES children...and wasn't he the one who went to the cross to relieve the sins of child rapers.....and as he came to earth as a man....he must have felt just like a man...now Muhammed(sal)...has been married...widowed and married again....but Jesus was never married.....so.....where did all the sexual tension go......as he came to earth as a man(goes without saying what men feel 2wards women)....so...the most likely candidate for a Chil raper is Jesus not Muhammed.....besides...is there any proof that Muhammed (sal)...ever resorted to that....or is it blatent attempt by some weak faithed christians to make themselves feel good...by trying to discredit a noble Man.....or are these the same wimps that wetted their pants during the 9/11attacks....trying their best to do something...?!!?

2006-10-05 21:51:27 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

but I don't know how to approach the subject with my nearest and dearest who DO agree with it. The reasons are that it is a Christian festival and in my humble opinion should be there for Christians to celebrate the life of Jesus Christ. Not for kids to EXPECT presents by the bucket full. Also, I hate the way that companies promote items as 'Must have' for Cristmas. Pressuring parents into buying them for their kids. Many people get into debt so they can have a 'Good christmas' What about the rest of the year when you can't afford to do anything family orientated because you are paying off the debt of last Christmas?
But I digress, my question to you good people is... How do I explain my feelings to my nearest and dearest WITHOUT sounding like I think they are mugs for falling for the 'Great Christmas Con'?
Chrismas is about Jesus Christ ( should you believe in him) NOT about spending loads of money to show how much you love someone. There are many ways to show your love.

2006-10-05 21:47:49 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

pls help

2006-10-05 21:42:45 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Sects generally are seen as manipulative and evil, while religions are tolerated and encouraged. However they both use the same methods to gain and retain adepts: unfounded and often fairy-tale like explanations of man's purpose on earth and origins, requirement to have blind acceptance ("faith") in certain tenets and/or the work of certain individuals - using mindless repitition of texts, impressive buildings, rituals, dietary restrictions (lent, ramadan, fish on fridays, no porc, no meat, etc...). So is it simply the number of believers that makes the difference?

2006-10-05 21:33:25 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

if some one believe in god , he or she will not loose some thing.
but if someone dont believe in god, he or she will lose god.
that is big thing to lose.

2006-10-05 21:31:59 · 23 answers · asked by Jane Doe 3 in Religion & Spirituality

HE HE HE!!!!!

2006-10-05 21:30:41 · 10 answers · asked by Medicine Eddie 2 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-10-05 21:27:14 · 24 answers · asked by blackjackjokerz 1 in Royalty

Look up Sherry Shriner on the WEB. You can makes jokes for a
year off some of that chit!

2006-10-05 21:27:05 · 4 answers · asked by Medicine Eddie 2 in Religion & Spirituality

When did the Henge of Keltria, a Celtic-Neog-Pagan Druid organization, incorporate?

2006-10-05 21:24:25 · 1 answers · asked by Elle 1 in Religion & Spirituality

i just want to know?? I've ever read about this on the internet..

2006-10-05 21:23:05 · 9 answers · asked by pelagiasong 2 in Religion & Spirituality

If the guests were in the hotel some time ago, can they give me full names or something?

2006-10-05 21:22:38 · 13 answers · asked by One Girl 1 in Community Service

Can anyone report first-hand experience of this strange, secretive cult?

2006-10-05 21:19:39 · 14 answers · asked by simon2blues 4 in Religion & Spirituality

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