Well its complicated. My girlfriend and I have been going out for ninth months but for the past month or two things haven't been the same. We argued a lot and sometimes end up breaking up. Its my fault. Well we were fighting and she broke up with me. She said it was for the last time but i needed her and convince her to take me back. That same day she tells me we need to chill out, which I understood because her life is so ****** up with her family but I just thought it was too soon. I thought they we were gonna stay together but no. I let her go but it feels wierd. We agreed to be friends but I still love her and want to be with her. I feel this way everytime I'm with her even if I'm not with her I feel it. I just feel like my life has fallen apart and I need her back so that it will be ok. I told her that I'm not coming back that this was the last time, but I can't let her go. The thought of her with someone else hurts so bad but I don't really have a choice. I need help NOW!!!!!!!
9 answers
asked by
big baby
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender