GOD:His contradictory attributes (a)"No man hath seen God at any time John 1:18 (b)"(God) whom no man hath seen,nor can see.."I TIMOTHY 6:16 (c)"And he (God) said,Thou canst see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live.EXODUS 33:20 Contradicted by:(a) "And the Lord spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend Exodus 33:11 (b) 'And they (Moses, Aaron and seventy others) saw the God of Israel.."EXODUS 24:10 (c) "And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel for I have seen God face to face,and my life is preserved GENESIS 32:30. And God shows his back parts to Moses "And I (God) will take away my hand and thou shalt see my back parts.." EXODUS 33:23 GOD a fabricator of confusion (a) "For God is NOT the author of confusion.." I CORINTHIANS 14:33 Contradicted by"..(b)"..I make peace, and CREATE EVIL.." ISAIAH 45:7 (by But the spirit of the Lord departed from Saul and AN EVIL SPIRIT from the Lord troubeld him.SAMUEL 16:14.
There were more but i dont have space.
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Religion & Spirituality