What makes a person "Gay" in the homosexual sense is that their sex drive is hard wired such that they are attracted to the same sex. In other words, they have the "Brain" of the opposite sex. Some of them are hermaphrodites, where they also posess ambiguous gender; some were medially altered as babies to look more like one gender or another, without anyone realizing what their brain was wired as.
Wearing makeup, wearing a skirt, acting like a stereotypical girl, and having a very feminine voice do not make a man gay. Only having a sex drive that attracts him to the same sex does that.
2006-10-04 12:51:12
answer #1
answered by digitalquirk 3
Not necessarily. You can be straight and still be a cross dresser. I know several cross dressers/drag queens that are completely straight. They have wives and kids, but they also enjoy wearing womens clothing.
It could just be that he's trying to stand out, draw attention to himself for what ever reason. Or he may be gay. What business is it of yours anyway?
2006-10-04 19:48:47
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Maybe he thinks he is a girl. He likes boys, therefore he is straight. Maybe he is just a tranvestite. Just dresses like the opposite gender.
2006-10-04 19:44:25
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
He isn't gay. It sounds like he is transgendered, meaning he is actually a female trapped inside a male's body. He has male parts, but a female mind. This isn't all that common, but when it happens, it can be difficult for a transgendered person to be accepted. Please keep an open mind with this person, and be nice to him (her).
2006-10-04 19:46:25
answer #4
answered by K 4
My question to you is why do u care? The fact that you have made a list questionng his sexuality only makes a logical person question yours. If he is gay, it doesn't affect your life. If he isn't gay, guess what? It doesn't affect your life.
Don't you have some homework to focus on??
2006-10-04 19:45:26
answer #5
answered by shortys_a_rider 2
Yes. But maybe he's from a religious family and is denying it or something crazy.
2006-10-04 19:44:28
answer #6
answered by Pieces of Me ... 2
Maybe he has an acting job.
2006-10-04 19:44:58
answer #7
answered by Ivyvine 6
sounds like hes pretty dorn gay to me
2006-10-04 19:45:07
answer #8
answered by nclgivens 2
What do you care? Just wondering.
2006-10-04 19:44:10
answer #9
answered by CrankyYankee 6
He's gay or a really ugly girl.
Go for it!
2006-10-04 19:44:03
answer #10
answered by Chiprat 4