Seems God did not rest on the seventh day until he first let the host of them (prepared for war), their heavens and earth, be finished(endead: sin, when "it is finished", brings forth death); and then God ended(finished) his work he had "made" of created/made (presenting his grace us case, in the matter of law vs grace), and then God rested from all his work which he had "made"(such as Christ being "made" perfect.
Perhaps God knows ya can't get any true rest with pesky in-laws around, unless ya let em have their end: Life + Death = Dead End. Good riddance to host of them (prepared for war, and not peace).
If any man(adult) be ignorant, let him be ignorant.
If any bring another gospel, let him be accursed.
For "their end" shall be according to "their works".
When they say Law & Law, destruction for "them".
But the end also written is notably so "none perish".
The "grace" of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.
Comments: besides you're reported by law law tatle tale
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Religion & Spirituality