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Psychology - March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Psychology

I've always got the impression that a bigger person would be more effective in a fight as they would possess more strength/power, but people are always telling me that it doesn't make a difference and being taller would make them more clumsy/vulnerable/slow moving.

What is your view on the issue ?

2007-03-09 09:47:18 · 5 answers · asked by harlemz_prodigy 3

could it be looks? blond hair? brown eyes? great personality? what is it that turns you on when you look at somebody you don't know? what do you look for in another person?

2007-03-09 09:46:58 · 7 answers · asked by Yazz 2

I want to know why I always dream about this guy I had an affair with. It was not important for me at all. I don't talk to him, I don't see him. Is it true that you dream about a person that thinks of you a lot? Please, help me find an answer for this.

2007-03-09 09:36:57 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Gotta be honest.

2007-03-09 09:30:06 · 56 answers · asked by LouLou 4

I am tired, cold and happy. You?

2007-03-09 09:24:48 · 17 answers · asked by freebird31wizard 6

Which are the stages that a person pass through when he is experimenting some difficult sittuation like a dead or a critical illness. I just know the meaning of someones (I think there are 5 ) one is when you received the notice and you don't want to acceopt it and another is when you want to die because of this notice I don't the other ones neither their names PLEASE SOMEONE HELP MEEEEEE I need them for my research paper but I can't find theeeeeeeem!!!

2007-03-09 09:21:00 · 7 answers · asked by nEnA*ReSpOnDoNa 3

I was just cooking some macaroni when I saw little bugs floating around in the water. Should I scoop them up and continue the cooking or throw it all away?

2007-03-09 09:18:20 · 21 answers · asked by Appel 2

2007-03-09 09:10:35 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't mean to hate on my fellow guys, but come on fellas, you have to admit (even if we don't do it ourselves/ I certainly don't because I am only 20), but how come there are more incidences of older men hitting on younger woman, little girls, and little boys, and barely any older woman hitting on younger boys, little boys, and little girls. To be honest, I have never even heard of an incident in which an older woman tried to hit on a little boy, thank goodness. I sometimes but rarely hear of older woman with younger men like 30 or 40 years apart. Older woman aren't drooling at younger men like you see old men doing. What's the deal? Why is this a drastic difference in the gender or is it simply the people from 40s and 50s are this way and as time goes on things will change. Is it that the majority woman from the 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s are decent and the majority of men from those times are pigs. Woman don't even seem to desire younger men and women the way a lot of older dudes do.

2007-03-09 09:00:23 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

my friend was killed in a car accident about 2 weeks ago and I just had a dream recently that had her in it. In the dream, we were all in a classroom and I walked in and when i glanced at a desk i saw her but when I looked back she was gone. Then i told someone in the dream that i had seen her. (She is already dead in the dream) Then all of a sudden I was walking back into the class again and this time i seen her sitting at a desk and she waved and said Hi to me smiling, and she looked real happy. I think I talked to her alittle bit in the dream. Then all of a sudden in the dream I showed her my tattoo that i had actually gotten for her after she died that said "in loving memory". Well in the dream when saw my tat she started crying and it seemed like she got mad, like if she didnt know that she had died. Thats about all I remember from the dream. Does anyone know what that means?

2007-03-09 08:58:17 · 9 answers · asked by J 1

2007-03-09 08:57:44 · 1 answers · asked by Anthony Souls 2

2007-03-09 08:55:00 · 3 answers · asked by Appel 2

2007-03-09 08:52:31 · 2 answers · asked by Pyar 1

I have so many interests and want to do so much and am constantly looking for strategies to get the most done and as many things learned and accomplished in the least amount of time. I am so driven how do I slow down and take things in moderation. I just feel like i've wasted to much time already.

2007-03-09 08:49:08 · 2 answers · asked by tunafish 2

do u think that the media present psychology more as a science or more as a form of common sense?
and do u feel like media present the diverse fields of psychology or only a few?

2007-03-09 08:48:59 · 2 answers · asked by whatsoever 2

I had a dream my brother inlaw came to my house hysterical... he said only I could help him.... Then he told me he murdered my sis in law. soon after the postman brought me a letter stating I was next to kin to her and delivered her body to me. what do this mean?????

2007-03-09 08:45:39 · 4 answers · asked by whatstha'bizness 3

2007-03-09 08:44:54 · 30 answers · asked by happyaston7 2

2007-03-09 08:35:32 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-09 08:28:19 · 13 answers · asked by kitten 3

Has this ever been a relaistic reality for anybody? Because once the person is able to recieve this type of education- he/she is no longer considered a retard.

2007-03-09 08:26:26 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

What approaches/means might one use to integrate faith and learning? Identify and explain the varied means. Finally, identify which approaches you have used, citing a few specific examples; or, identify which approaches you feel best fit you and why?

2007-03-09 08:26:13 · 2 answers · asked by Bil-E21 1

behind me how can I calm down and stop being scared?

2007-03-09 08:23:37 · 10 answers · asked by cigaro19 5

I hear so many people these days constantly griping about their lives. Their problems are always the worst. Their lives suck and they just dont know why. They have these flaws and thats the way it is. They accept them. Everything is the way it is. They dont understand how to take responsibility for their own issues and solve them. You must get your priorities in line. What are we all living and working for? Happiness. If you want happiness then listen to me. Happiness cannot be attained. Happiness is not something you can just acquire. Happiness is a pursuit. Everyone has this hole in them. This space that haunts you when you are bored or alone. What do you try to fill it with?

2007-03-09 08:23:00 · 11 answers · asked by g_rant07 3

2007-03-09 08:21:06 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

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