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Psychology - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Psychology

2007-02-20 21:49:30 · 16 answers · asked by waway_bato2005 2

Its a chance to decide yourself when you are alive now -Pleaseeee

2007-02-20 21:44:33 · 4 answers · asked by tony t 2

I have mood swings a lot, but right now Im more depressed than usual. I am usually very conscientious about my apperance, and I haven't gotten out of my pajamas or done any sort of hygiene since Sunday. I am usually on Myspace at least several hours a day, but I haven't been on in days because I don't want to talk to any of my friends or deal with any of that. I love to read and got a brand new book, but I just can't get myself in the mood to read it. I was in the hospital for a month and missed all that school work. Now Im really behind, but thinking about that just makes me feel worse and cry, so I don't, even though I know thats a horrible decision. All I can get myself to do is lay on the couch, search the web and watch law & order. I just want to crawl in a cave and disappear from the world. I even cut again, which I had been trying hard not to do. I just cant handle all the thoughts in my head. I dont know what to do. I don't want to die, but I cant handle all of this anymore....

2007-02-20 21:38:35 · 9 answers · asked by iloveyouthismuchok 2

2007-02-20 21:33:01 · 6 answers · asked by aruna w 1

Mine was when I was 3, and I cracked my head open on a rotary washing line ( I was pole dancing at the time!)
I haven't been the same since!!

2007-02-20 21:24:19 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I Learnt that spirituality leads to expanding our consciousness above to our normal levels through meditation,hatha yoga etc, and every civilisation has worked out various tecniques like tantra,zen etc.Our great spiritual leaders Buddha,Jesus,Kabir,Jiddu,etc are by birth or through practice have expanded their consciousness to various levels{individual conscious to universal conscious}and various geniuses like Eienstein,Jonh Nash,Ramajunam,etc are gifted with such expanded consciousness. My question is by how we can expand consciousness {techniques other than meditation and praying,satsang,yoga which i am trying now}are their any scientific or logical techs to attain this, books,website or persons with fair knowledge both practical and theory help me in this regard. THANKING ALL, SAT-CHIT-ANANDA

2007-02-20 21:13:47 · 14 answers · asked by Sachidananda 1

Although when once started i can keep talking and stuff, I cant really start even with close people .. Dont know what to say and how to start a topic? what can you talk about?

2007-02-20 20:59:50 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am going to see 1 later and i really do not know what to expect i do not know what i have to say etc or what will he say please help me thanks :)

2007-02-20 20:54:15 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi. I have a mental disorder and a great coach that helps me with finding work and the social security. Where I live getting social security is not always so easy.

The thing is I want to get refractive surgery which is expensive for me. I'm feeling guilty that I want to spend a lot of money while my coach is helping me to survive- I can't tell her that I want to do this.
Surely I should spend everything on eductaion to find work?

On the other hand it's my decision what I spend things on -Should I be feeling this guilty? -I feel like a criminal.

2007-02-20 20:45:52 · 7 answers · asked by ? 1

2007-02-20 20:38:16 · 6 answers · asked by santy 2

2007-02-20 20:31:28 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know a small guy who was not gifted with height his name is Jomari Enero. i know he will peek on this. how depressing it is?

2007-02-20 20:02:11 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

amlooking for some answers to level 2 as i done my exam but only passed half so need some feed back to see if i can find were i went wrong for next time round

2007-02-20 20:02:04 · 5 answers · asked by slapper6uk 1

i am needing help with humanistics to help me with my level 3 counselling

2007-02-20 19:53:13 · 1 answers · asked by slapper6uk 1

Do people use this substance? The name sorta of like ooblick but I can't spell it.

2007-02-20 19:41:58 · 2 answers · asked by Ratbag 1

she's older than me, i'm 20, she's 25,,, we're in college abroad, my parents is not with us.

she always borrow money from others eventho my parents send money to her,

and i'm so tired becoz people keep asking me to pay what she borrowed

i'm a dentistry student i'm so damn tired with my study and other life problems, and now, my problem is my own sister

shud i take care of her? i'm younger than her... but our parents is not here, they send enough money for us, but she's so useless,, always lying, and she didnt do her study well

i'm so tired talkin to her, i dont know what to do anymore,, i always tell the truth about her to my parents, they help a lot, but still i feel tired of her

what shud i do?

2007-02-20 19:35:11 · 13 answers · asked by wEnNy 3

In todaysday to day life we r always in a hurry.we tend to take tension and end up being more tense that way the whole cycle goes on and on ,on and on.We dont ger time to sit and evaluate the situationor scome to any conclusion.on my part yes i dont have time to share dis things with anyone so situation always rmains d same.many time we feel sad out of d ;blue or just dthink of d future and get tense.

2007-02-20 19:27:01 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

i'm a 'lazybone'
i spend the most of time in laze
i'm not lazy about doing computer but lazy in all other things
and now i'm fed up of my this nature, so, can you tell me some steps to get out from my this lazy behavior

2007-02-20 19:19:29 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've worked very hard and sacrificed for many years to make myself into the kind of man any woman would truly desire for a husband and life partner. I'm told I'm a 'great catch.' Here's the problem: I can't pick one woman to live the rest of my life with. And the years just roll by. I love and am in love with five young women I'm very close to. And all for very good, very different reasons. The truth is I could marry any one of them and live happily ever after and raise a family. But I can't for the life of me pick which one. They're all awesome in their own way and offer different positive qualities. Then occasionally I'll meet a new woman and see the beauty and possibilities in them and won't even pursue them as I don't want to complicate and confuse my heart and mind even more than they already are. I really want to start a family and be married, but I just can't seem to choose which one no matter what. It's also painful to think of letting the others go, too. Please help.

2007-02-20 19:13:44 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

It always seems like you're one or the other - you figure out what you want and you get it, or you decide from the beginning that education just isn't your thing.
I like going to school, I want to get a degree and have an ambitious career and travel the whole world with the money I make...
But I'm always hit by this wave of not wanting to study or go to school anymore. I still go to work and do my own thing, but I get such an aversion to my studies that... well, my transcript just doesn't look pretty.
I'm tired of letting my family down, and more tired of letting myself down. I'm 22, at a community college and I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm a normal, attractive and smart young girl who spends most of her time on her laptop wasting the time she could be spending on school. It's not that I don't have the ability, I just keep losing my drive.

I'm surrounded by people who are one or the other. I need people who are stuck in the middle like me. Do you have advice? I need help.

2007-02-20 19:10:36 · 9 answers · asked by M 1

2007-02-20 19:07:13 · 5 answers · asked by liquidmannequin 1

How do I make my self feel better? I want to do so many things. Go back to school,buy a house, get a dog, take care of my child. I cant talk to my husband he is to sensitive to talk to. Maybe I need to see a doctor about this?

2007-02-20 19:01:08 · 11 answers · asked by C M 3

suppose u know her very well, and know the following facts

- they had a bad relationship, as in - they had a nice time together and all, but at the end of it, it got a little messed up, cause he was not the most faithful of guys, well - she used to lie to him alot as well.
- they were in love, but called it off.

- she is still compleatly in love with him, and says that he is the one who makes her smile...

- he slept and moved in with his ex while he was still dating her

- he is now sort of back with his ex - girlfriend - and he told this 20 yr old girl, that he has been in love with her for 4 years
- the girl and the guy - 1 yr, but never had a physical relationship

well, - what would u say
if u know she was crushed and hurting

what would u say? how do u console her? please advice and say something


2007-02-20 18:59:38 · 8 answers · asked by Franky 1

As your relationship with another person becomes close and more intimate ,you generally reduce your uncertainty about each other;you become more predictable to each other.Do you think high predictability makes a relationship more stable or less stable? more enjoyable or less enjoyable?(Human Communication)

Anyone can share your points .Thanks

2007-02-20 18:55:33 · 7 answers · asked by wing2007 1

fedest.com, questions and answers