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Psychology - September 2006

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Psychology

Why or why not? 10 pts. to the best answer.

2006-09-12 13:55:03 · 9 answers · asked by big-brother 3

Dont hate. Cave men hate. Grow up guy, the rest of the world is waiting for you.

2006-09-12 13:36:13 · 31 answers · asked by ancient master 1

My younger sister is really smart. Her mind is really quick and her analytical skills are beyond normal. She has an answer for everything and gets As in classes she barely studies for ( I hate her for that). But those are only the classes she says she's interested in. Anything that requires a little more effort, she gives up and is satisfied with a lower grade ( although she could have easily gotten a better grade).
She's super lazy but people don't see that because she manages to be at the top of her class without any work. I feel it's going to hurt her in the long run. Is there any solution?

2006-09-12 13:23:52 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-12 13:18:56 · 6 answers · asked by Kiddosmom 1

2006-09-12 13:12:28 · 10 answers · asked by techronarrow 2

I briefly read an article about people who try and make themselves have acne or who are obsessed with popping pimples. Is there a diagnosed disorder for this? I just think it's kind of silly, wondered if anyone else had heard of it. What is the motivator for this person?

2006-09-12 13:09:46 · 5 answers · asked by SadToday22 3

My strangest dream was me and too other people i don't know were trapped in a city full of robots and we were being hunted by this giant tiger for being human. we got away then found this big room with this glowing thing in the middle. the girl was blowing a bubble when tiger tracked us down and pushed it back in then her head started to throb then got really big then i woke up.(i couldn't make this stuff up if i tried)

2006-09-12 13:09:08 · 4 answers · asked by dannysci17 3

stupid is as stupid does-spell it right or get a grandma teacher

if u didnt experience Jesus u dont got a clue-how can u argue and say you never experienced having Jesus come in to be your savior and best friend-i have and it works for me like the bible says!!!! Revelation 3 vs 19&20

2006-09-12 12:43:39 · 15 answers · asked by ? 5

2006-09-12 12:28:58 · 5 answers · asked by tom 1

I feel disconnected from myself. I don't really believe in a "self" anymore. I see myself from a distance. In reality, I'm fully aware that I exist as a separate entity and everything, but there's a part of me that sees us (humans) as animals. I truly see nothing special about humans. To me, they are clothed animals. I think that Christians and all other followers of organized religions are ignorant. The pledge seems ritualistic. Daily happenings seem more and more meaningless as time passes. Monogamy seems flawed to me. Am I sane?

2006-09-12 11:59:28 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

can youu think of an example where psychology has been used to discriminate against a race, religion, gender, etc...

2006-09-12 11:56:50 · 5 answers · asked by question33 2

From psychology point of view ,how we can differe the tow mentioned words

2006-09-12 11:15:25 · 4 answers · asked by Joyee 1

Some of these questions are intended to screen the person answering them before I get to my actual questions, so please answer all of them as best you can.

Do you consider yourself a Christian?
Is there a god?
Do the truly intelligent find suicide to be more plausible?
What do you think of Jeff Buckley/ Nick Drake/ Elliott Smith?
What do you think of the United States?
What do you think of George Bush?
What do you think of Libertarians?
What do you think of eating meat?
Should the death penalty exist?
Should abortion be legal?
Should gay marriage be legal?
Who is your favorite musical artist/ band?

2006-09-12 11:10:40 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've heard that ignorance is bliss. However, I've seen studies that demonstrate the link between lower IQ scores and suicide. What's your take on it? Do some people "think too much" and find life meaningless, or do others seek a quick exit because of ignorance? I'd like to bring up the fact that many amazing artists, musicians, and writers have committed suicide.

2006-09-12 10:47:35 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am not all that smart to begin with even though I have several degrees. Mostly AA's AS's
Gettiing degrees is just a matter of staying in school (community college was affordable until they raised the rates to those who had a baccalaureate)

I have done well in school as far as grade go averaging between 2.8 and 3.2 over the course work.

Certainly not great but not miserable either.

It seems as though the more I know on any particular subject or in general the dumber I feel.

I was/am often annoying teachers and others because I would/do ask why or how ,etcetera, all too often.

My reading skills are poor it takes several days to read though a small book and text books often seem impossible to get the information I want.

Why do I feel so stupid?

2006-09-12 10:45:49 · 14 answers · asked by concerned_earthling 4

Today it was the end of school and I was walking and I happened to be out of it and started day dreaming. And I happened to be accidently staring at this kid who sits with me and my friends. and I think he freaked out that I stared at him! What do I do abnd why am i stressing over it?!?! Do I feel weird when I sit at lunch?!? WHAT DOES he think of me?!?!

2006-09-12 10:42:49 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just spent about a week in a mental hospital. When I am getting out of balance, I don't realize I am getting crazy and when I say crazy, I mean really nuts. Fortunately I have some good medications that let me lead a mostly normal life. My question is this. Are there any people with Bipolar disorder out there who are able to lead completely normal lives? I want to be normal so bad it hurts.

2006-09-12 10:33:50 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

1) Home town.- A nice office, moderate salary, but you get to stay close to home, with exensive family benefits.
2) High rise office in NY or LA far from home. High salary but cost of living comes out lower than option 1.
3) Mid sized office in what you consider a boring city. High salary with a medium cost of living. You take home the most money here.
4) Small office in Silicon Valley or eqaul. Access to all of top comapnies in your in your industry. High salary but super high cost of living.
5) Overseas office in the city of your choice, London Hong Kong, Paris, Tokyo? Far from your family, but nice but small modern decorated servied apartment in a high rise tower, Super high standard of living, You are only paying the bills but have latest in high living provided in a package
*You have an iron clad contract with a five year commitment to each option. Consider all the factors before choosin one answer. The basic factors are family, finance, prestige, adventure, security

2006-09-12 10:28:29 · 4 answers · asked by Yahoo 6

2006-09-12 10:17:30 · 46 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-12 10:15:55 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

If a gene was found that caused a person to be a serial killer/murderer and a pregnant mother could take the test to find out if their child had it, how many would actually terminate the pregancy?

2006-09-12 10:13:54 · 13 answers · asked by joanne v 72 2

2006-09-12 10:13:18 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

i keep havin these wild dreams. somewhere in ibiza campin whilst watching the sun set and the moon rise next to it at the same time. there wierd but i like em. what kinda dreams do u have?

2006-09-12 10:02:56 · 9 answers · asked by stretchy_baby69 2

I'm not a lesbian but I've been terribly hurt by a boy I adored. I can't fall in love with girls but I feel like a girl would give me emotional stability and something much closer to unconditional love than what I have experienced with men. However, I am fairly confused at this point. I am not attracted to girls but I think that on an emotional level she would make a great companion. When it comes to love making, I don't find it odd, it's kind of as if I made love to myself, so it's a turn on because seeing my body naked also turns me on - obviously.

I am confused though because it just seems odd. I can develop deep feelings of friendship for a girl but never the romance and passion. Only a man can give me that if he loves me.

So why am I then thinking about this?

Is it because I'm so depressed about what happened in the past with men?


2006-09-12 09:54:13 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

...the type of stuff you could put on your ipod for the long trips when you feel like listening to motivation speakers as oppose to music?

I don't care if its free or expensive, just wondering where I could find some.

2006-09-12 09:52:56 · 1 answers · asked by Marcello 2

I had a dream I had a baby, I held her so close, she was warm & soft. When someone wanted to hold her, she'd cry. If I was too long without her, my heart would hurt. But when we were together it was something so strong & beautiful I can't explain it.
I don't have children.

2006-09-12 09:30:54 · 10 answers · asked by 4

Or is it just me that's totally intolerant of half-wits

2006-09-12 09:07:11 · 14 answers · asked by Contrary Mary 2

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