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Social Science - 4 March 2007

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Anthropology · Dream Interpretation · Economics · Gender Studies · Other - Social Science · Psychology · Sociology

I feel uncofident among people.It make me stress.I know its not normal.But i dont know how to change this.I practice everyday to be normal.But until now it doesnt work so much.Any sugesstion?
thank you

2007-03-04 06:10:43 · 4 answers · asked by Dave 1 in Psychology

They must have zero morals or self respect to be able to do that. I saw the cat house on HBO and am amazed at all many thousands of women want a job there all over the country. What say you?

2007-03-04 06:07:27 · 8 answers · asked by SimpleMan 1 in Gender Studies

Kids today are put through exam after exam, comparison after comparison, hurdle after hurdle. This starts at a very early age with tests.

I've noticed now, how many kids are actually on medication for stress. How many kids are depressed in their teen years? All these goths and emos who feel they need to take on the emotional burden of an adult without the life experience to compare it with.

So is life more stressful for kids now? Or is it just as it has always been?

Is there a solution?

2007-03-04 06:05:39 · 11 answers · asked by Xenophonix 3 in Psychology

I was on vacation and my ex happen to be there also. He hugged me and apologized for what he did to me and we made ammends. WE spent the rest of the vacation together.
In reality and broke up with me and hurt me very badly. There are things we said and he did that can never be taken back so to speak, and I have a lot of resentment towards him. If it were up to me, we would be friends, but I forgfave him the first time for what he did and he walked all over that too.

2007-03-04 06:05:04 · 6 answers · asked by maria s 2 in Psychology

i have been looking for them for a few days now and cant find any.

2007-03-04 06:01:11 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — Authorities Friday were looking for the mother of a baby girl whose remains were found in a two gallon pickle jar buried near a highway.

A construction crew discovered the jar Monday while working on State Road 80, according to a statement from the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office.

The baby's umbilical cord was still attached, and the medical examiner's office thinks the jar was buried within the last year after an autopsy.

The medical examiner's office was running tests to figure out how and when the girl died, according to the sheriff's office.

2007-03-04 05:45:48 · 11 answers · asked by Nacho Libre 1 in Gender Studies

Alcohol can have a profound effect on a person's functioning, but is it possible that, especially in party settings, people only "act" drunk or drunker to match other's expectations of being drunk?

2007-03-04 05:45:12 · 3 answers · asked by Joy M 7 in Psychology

I do laundry and work on sunday. I work on monday, off on tuesday, visit with family, go to mall, work wednesday, grocery shop on friday, work on saturday

2007-03-04 05:43:00 · 8 answers · asked by reallyfedup 5 in Other - Social Science

It seems to me that using equivalent captures many of the ideals of feminism but does not deny that men and women have biological differences and are not equal to each other.

2007-03-04 05:42:05 · 9 answers · asked by abcdefghijk 4 in Gender Studies

I'm trying to write an essay about this, and I'm having trouble finding specific advantages. Any help?

2007-03-04 05:40:55 · 1 answers · asked by hoopzman583 1 in Economics

A teacher who understands a lot of psychology materials, but he is really fat with a huge stomach. My question is that if he is so good in psychology then he should have a really good ability to solve problems and he should know how to overcome his Ego, then why is he still so fast for many years already? He should has understand that his huge stomach is bad for his health and inconvenience because a pregnant woman only has to carry that big stomach for 10 months but he has to carry it for the rest of his life. In addition, this may affect his self esteem too. Isn’t that the purpose of psychology is to understand oneself and others and to improve one ability to survive in this imperfect society or world? Unless he has some kind of illness, otherwise he should know how to value his health. What is your opinion on this topic? ^_^

2007-03-04 05:38:02 · 7 answers · asked by Hermes 2 in Psychology

2007-03-04 05:33:47 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

u tell me yours then I will update with mine...
OOOO I think I will die OOOO lol

2007-03-04 05:29:28 · 5 answers · asked by to tell ya the truth........... 6 in Gender Studies

Woman are complicated, I am 27 ready to find a woman that would make me a good wife, but most woman want to just have fun be ur gf... I got a many gf type woman and currently I met someone who I think I can be with for very long time but yet not get bored or feel I had enough of her

so how can I tell if she wants to settle down anytime soon.. does she sees her self as a gf or a potential future wife

tired of all the whores need a woman what do I look for

2007-03-04 05:17:22 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

2007-03-04 05:17:22 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

Americans always rant about being the "richest" country in the world..but if you travel it..it looks like one of the poorest. Sure there are rich areas but most of America is modest or substandard. If you visit most cities you will see high crime, filth, and overcrowding..all signs of poverty on a mass scale. Most people in the US cannot sustain a family with just one worker with one job. Certainly Americans are pretty deluded and are only sedated by the mantra of Americas being rich. It is rich...but for a small percentage who are rich off the backs of the ones calling out the mantra.

2007-03-04 05:15:46 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Economics

just wondering..i know its the psychology section..but this is where everyone is lol.

2007-03-04 05:09:33 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

2007-03-04 05:04:44 · 4 answers · asked by Clarkie 6 in Psychology

2007-03-04 05:04:15 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

what do you know about the great depression?

2007-03-04 04:55:05 · 3 answers · asked by jouliette 1 in Psychology

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