'the money was not mine to begin with, im not born with a right to wealth, but with a right to pursue wealth'?
you can be underpaid for yr work, you can be overcharged for your purchases by created scarcity, by yr ignorance of costs of product, you can contribute by work to the increase in value of the city & nation and yet not collect full pay for yr labour for this, bc you dont have land or shares, or bc u dont hav equal land/shares, govt in the hands of corrupt can create inflation by increase of money supply, which is effectively a tax, you can then be forced by yr greater poverty to borrow back the inflation/tax money thru the bank, ending up giving the bank many times the loan in repayments, stockplayers can extract millions/billions out of ppl's pockets by having better stock information - there are many legal thefts
u choose to buy, but u dont choose to be overcharged relative to full costs [=labour inputs] of product
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