I was given a best answer to a question I posted involving the void. Bekki B informed me that I misunderstand what the univeverse expanded into. Bekki B states that all the space there is is what the universe expaned into! This means, by definition there can be only be one universe in existance, many others disagree with this. It is becomming obvious to me that everyone is leary of going past the conclusions that are based on the limits of what physistists know down to the last 10-43 sec in time after the big bang came into being. A Swiss physist claims that this time represents the life span of the singularity and that was a state of matter that science does not recognize. Even the most famous equasion of all scientific history, E=MC squared breaks down here, the onlypart of it that existed at that time was the E, therefore the equation was meaningless. The first law of physics to kick in was thermodynamics when the total cold of the void began to absorb the heat of the singularity.
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