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Astronomy & Space - June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Science & Mathematics Astronomy & Space

well its the theory of time and space not as we know .it it trys to make us think about time space travel etc more of a Q than an A
like chicken or the egg ?well this answer is the rooster ok .as it didnt actually mention the rooster no one thinks of it .
Q-if a tree falls in a forest who hears it fall ?=A who ever is there at the time of coarse
Q how does it rain fish A there sucked up from the ocean held in clouds and come down in ice.

2007-06-16 13:41:11 · 6 answers · asked by the gate keeper 1

2007-06-16 13:33:06 · 3 answers · asked by Wonderingplz 3

did they really land on the moon
where the proof ?
was it a scam?
who will show us for sure -japan ,

2007-06-16 13:32:30 · 10 answers · asked by the gate keeper 1

2007-06-16 13:16:03 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think it is something to do with the fact that it is a second generation star, does anyone know if I am along the right lines? I have researched it but science jargon is causing a problem to my limited scientific vocabulary!
Thanks all x

2007-06-16 12:22:58 · 20 answers · asked by Sono curioso 2

Hi all, I don't think this is the right forum for this but I don't know where else to ask this.

I am making an independent documentary and I need some footage of the first monkey or the first dog sent to space. It's not important if it is copyrighted or not. So does anyone here know in which documentary, in which TV program I would be able to find such footage? I know that exists because I saw a documentary with a "Russian space monkey" a year or two ago but i don't remember the tittle of the documentary. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Also if you know in which forum this question would be better asked please let me know.

PepeLapiu :)

2007-06-16 12:14:48 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

vidieos of the space shuttle never seem to have stars in the back-gound?

2007-06-16 12:06:11 · 10 answers · asked by peatatone 1

From what I understand the Hubble space telescope has convinced cosmologists that the expansion of the universe is accellerating. If this is the case, are we forced to believe in a 5th force of nature or anti-gravity? Or is the explanation something more mundane?

2007-06-16 11:23:51 · 8 answers · asked by Robert K 5

Everyone talks about the theory of 'reincarnation' after death, however how do we know that we havent already been reincarnated as we are today? In a past life you could of been a bird a spider or another human and you wouldnt know.

Also what are your views on past life regretion? Im not sure, i dont think its completly true though some aspects of it are surprisingly coinsidential.... ?

2007-06-16 11:06:15 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I found a telescope store in toronto that is 3 hours away from me. I would like to buy a telescope from them which of the fallowing would be the best to buy. I am a beingnner

Sky-Watcher 80mm (3.1'') Table-Top Telescope

Sky-Watcher 153mm (6'') Dobsonian Telescope

NewStar Compact 4.5'' Equatorial Newtonian Reflector Telescope

Celestron AstroMaster 76EQ Telescope

NewStar 70mm Refractor - The Perfect Beginner's Telescope

Vixen A70Lf telescope

Here is the link to the website


2007-06-16 10:43:29 · 5 answers · asked by march 1

Call me crazy but did it? I could have sworn a few years ago around this time of year (June) I would be up at 5:30AM to get ready for school and it would still be pitch black outside. But flash foward a few years later and now at 5:00AM the birds are chirping. When will it be again that the sun starts rising at 6AM or 7AM? I miss those days. I know the days in the summer now are longer than the nights. But I don't remember daytime starting at 5AM! So is there a reason why this is happening? Are we getting farther away from the moon or something? It's just making me mad because I go to bed around 4:30AM and I hate trying to fall asleep as the sun rises. I HATE IT!

2007-06-16 10:30:48 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Some modern ropes are very strong with the ability to support the weight over 60 miles of itself. Given that this technology is likely to improve, is it possible that a rope could be anchored somewhere on earth and run out to a satellite/spacestation in a geo-stationary orbit (approx 22,000 miles). Would the effect of gravity diminish sufficiently to allow this? Would the rope suffer from any ill-effects in the transition between space and atmosphere (given that after being reeled out the rope would be fairly static in the atmosphere)? Obviously this does not take into account the fact that no rocket/shuttle could actually lift the length/weigh of rope needed. But hypothetically could this acheived?

2007-06-16 10:18:07 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Most have heard of the Mayan calender end date 12/21/2012. Most do not believe this is the END of time, but rather a time of ascension or peeking of knowledge (consciousness). The time of ascending could begin +/- 30yrs of the planetary alignment.

The internet is the final home of knowledge. This means it is the portal through which we have unlimited access to endless knowledge. The internet has everything everybody in the world knows in it. You look up anything you know and someone already knew it.

Could it be that the internet is the platform for our ascension. 12/21/2012 or around could be the high or peek in abundant knowledge. Thus leading into a NEW era in human consciousness.

Throughout time men have made it their quest to further their knowledge of being. Could it be that the information highway and planetary alignment have something in common.

2007-06-16 10:03:26 · 5 answers · asked by Chaoticfreedoms 3

or whatever end of the universe theory you beleive in, what's the point of hippies like me trying to stop global warming?

2007-06-16 10:01:44 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

He wanted reeses pieces,but I did'nt have any.So he crashed out on my sofa,cause he was tired,Has this happened to anyone else????

2007-06-16 09:06:00 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-16 08:06:16 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-16 07:49:10 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

they say that the sun grows 5% and one day it will become a red giant and engulf three planets and one of the three planets are earth!

2007-06-16 07:45:18 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

did man realy step foot on the moon? faqs now saying that it is impossible because space has no gravity.... and that there shoes keeped there feet on the surface because ov the led in theres boots??( But there air craft was not heavy anough to touch surface ) Could this be true??.......

2007-06-16 07:33:16 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

They say... It wasn't in the stars for you to win, or those days that just seems everything goes your way. It is lined up in the stars what is going to happen and yet we can figure any persons personality just by entering the exact day and time/seconds someone was born. Using the information of someones date ex. Jan 1/1980 1:11 am then you should be able to get a good computer report somehow and someway? This could definitly help one to decide which days to go to casino's and maybe which days to decide not to go on that date etc.

2007-06-16 07:31:17 · 5 answers · asked by s8o098 3

If so, what is the term for such a planet, and what are some examples?

I suppose I am asking, are there any celestial bodies that rotate around the galactic center, rather than a star, that are similar in composition to our traditional view of a planet, except for the whole not revolving around a star thing.

2007-06-16 07:31:05 · 9 answers · asked by Anima Libertatis 1

I know that the planet Venus is currently very inhospitable. The atmosphere is toxic and it doesn't appear to have water. It about the same size as the earth and it is a terrestrial planet. It seems as if we had the technology we could transform it into a habitable planet. So how difficult would it be? How far into the future before we begin to start colonizing it?

2007-06-16 06:08:38 · 12 answers · asked by Matt3471 3

2007-06-16 05:46:51 · 12 answers · asked by Madhan S 1

2007-06-16 05:43:44 · 13 answers · asked by Benjamin Wilkinson 1

Why is it that when someone tells you that there are over a billion stars in the universe, you believe them, but if there is a "wet paint" sign somewhere, you have to touch it to make sure?

2007-06-16 05:35:44 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was born may 9, 1986 what is my moon sign?

2007-06-16 05:33:09 · 7 answers · asked by Cosmosis 2

2007-06-16 03:41:41 · 13 answers · asked by tedcotrucking 1

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